Page 37 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 37

Campaign           Branch, Coimbatore
            Awareness Programme         Govt. Hr. Sec.                    3                       100
            on Aviation Science              School
             Demonstrating the          Othakalmandapam
                flying models
              developed by our

                Swachh Bharat        Ministry of Housing                  4                       170
                                       and Urban Affairs

            Awareness Programme         Govt. Hr. Sec.                    3                       100
            on Aviation Science              School
             Demonstrating the          Othakalmandapam
                flying models
              developed by our

                Awareness on          Govt. High School,                  3                       123
             Working Principles         Malumchampatti
                of House hold
               Equipments and
                 Skill based
               AIDS awareness           Shanthi Asharam                   3                       100
                    program            Coimbatore, Tamil
                                       Nadu AIDS control
                                       Board Coimbatore
            Awarness Program on Dept. of Physics in                       3                       100
              Solar Energy for         Association with
                SocioEconomic               NSS, KAHE

              Health Awareness               Indian                       3                       110
                     Rally              Pharmaceutical
                                     Association, Mumbai
            Yoga awareness camp         Directorate of                    3                       112
                                          Field Field
                                     Government of India

             International Day          Directorate of                    7                       450
                of Yoga 2018              Field Field
                                     Government of India
                                                         View File

           3.6.2 – Awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government and other recognized bodies
          during the year

               Name of the activity      Award/Recognition         Awarding Bodies         Number of students
            Tree Plantation and           Dedicational         Nizhal Maiyam, NGO                 150
                 Road Safety         Humanity Service to
                  Programme                  Society

            Training for School           Appreciation         Principal, District                 60
            Teachers about Free                                    Institute of
               and Open Source                                    Education and
                   Software                                          Training,
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42