Page 44 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 44

4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource

           4.2.1 – Library is automated {Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)}
                Name of the ILMS      Nature of automation (fully      Version             Year of automation
                    software                 or patially)
               Online Library               Partially                    2.0                     2011
             Management System

           4.2.2 – Library Services
               Library               Existing                   Newly Added                     Total
             Service Type
            Text Books        79086       24226860          111          49201          79197       24276061

             Reference        9008         5223439           32          34507          9040         5257946

              e-Books           1           15000            1           15000            2           30000
             Journals          288          450536           12          23500           300         474036
            e-Journals          12         3345285           8          2142549           20         5487834

              Digital           0              0             0              0             0              0

              Library           1           43000            0              0             1           43000
              Weeding           0              0             0              0             0              0
              (hard &

            Others(spe        19039        5506929         2585         1520185         21624        7027114

            CD & Video        3769             0            182             0           3951             0
                                                         View File

           4.2.3 – E-content developed by teachers such as: e-PG- Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG- Pathshala CEC (Under
          Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government initiatives & institutional
          (Learning Management System (LMS) etc
               Name of the Teacher      Name of the Module     Platform on which module    Date of launching e-
                                                                     is developed                content
            Dr.V.Krishnaveni          Managerial               Institutional            11/07/2018
                                      Economics                (Learning
                                                               Management System

            V. Ramadevi               Fundamental of           Institutional            11/07/2018
                                      Management and           (Learning
                                      Organizational           Management System
                                      behavior                 (LMS)
            G.Hariharan               Practical MS office Institutional                 11/07/2018
                                                               Management System
            Dr.P.A.Padmavathy         Business                 Institutional            11/07/2018
                                      Communication            (Learning
                                                               Management System
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