Page 45 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 45

Ms.G.Sumathi              Principles of            Institutional            11/07/2018
                                      Marketing                (Learning
                                                               Management System

            Dr.Dr. M. Nandhini        Financial                Institutional            11/07/2018
                                      Management               (Learning
                                                               Management System

            Ms.P.Sathiya Bama         Investment Analysis Institutional                 11/07/2018
                                      and Portfolio            (Learning
                                      Management               Management System
            M.Thillainayaki           Computer                 Institutional            10/07/2018
                                      Fundamentals             (Learning
                                                               Management System

            Sanjay Gandhi             Computer System          Institutional            10/07/2018
                                      Architecture             (Learning
                                                               Management System

            R.Nithya                  Programming              Institutional            10/07/2018
                                      Fundamentals Using       (Learning
                                      C/C                      Management System
                                                         View File

          4.3 – IT Infrastructure
           4.3.1 – Technology Upgradation (overall)

              Type     Total Co Computer   Internet  Browsing Computer    Office   Departme Available   Others
                       mputers     Lab                centers  Centers                nts    Bandwidt
                                                                                             h (MBPS/
            Existin     1433       35         1         13        22        86       208         1         0
             Added       142        3         1         1         2         0          1         1         0
             Total      1575       38         2         14        24        86       209         2         0

           4.3.2 – Bandwidth available of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line)
                                                    1.55 MBPS/ GBPS

           4.3.3 – Facility for e-content
                  Name of the e-content development facility    Provide the link of the videos and media centre and
                                                                                recording facility
                              360 Studio             

          4.4 – Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
           4.4.1 – Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, excluding salary
          component, during the year

               Assigned Budget on      Expenditure incurred on    Assigned budget on     Expenditure incurredon
                academic facilities   maintenance of academic      physical facilities   maintenance of physical
                                              facilities                                         facilites
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50