Page 14 - AQAR 2015-2016
P. 14

Total no. of                      Division
                Title of the Programme       students     Distinction                        III     Pass
                                             appeared         (%)        I (%)    II (%)    (%)       (%)

              M.Com.                            14           28.57       64.29     7.14      -      100.00
              BE (ECE)                          79            3.79       68.35     6.32      -       78.48

              BE (EEE)                          36            2.77       69.44    13.80      -       86.01
              B.E (CSE)                         104           7.65       75.00     2.85      -       85.50
              M.E (CSE)                         14           78.50       21.50      -        -      100.00
              B.E (Mechanical Engineering)      202            -         64.35     9.41      -       73.76

              B.E (Automobile Engineering)      49            2.04       73.46     4.08      -       79.59
              B.E(Aeronautical Engineering)     16             -         75.00     6.25      -       81.25

              B.E (Civil Engineering)           106           2.83       70.75      -        -       73.58
              B. Arch                           37             -         78.57     9.52      -       88.09
              M. Arch                           11           18.18       63.63    18.18      -        100

              2.12 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:


                  IQAC monitors the quality of Teaching and Learning processes through academic audit.
                     The  scope  of  the  audit  covers  subject  knowledge  of  the  teacher,  teaching  methods,

                     delivery, relevance of assignments, quality of internal  assessment test question papers,
                     evaluation of valued answer scripts and documentation including record keeping

                  The  audit  reports  are  reviewed  by  IQAC  and  improvements  are  suggested.  Periodic
                     assessment on the regular updation of academic activities by the departments is carried

                     out by IQAC

                  IQAC  is  involved  in  facilitating  academic  audits  -  there  is  a  list  of  activities  to  be
                     undertaken by all the departments and corresponding documentation. For e.g., Record of

                     students  feedback on teaching, minutes of Board of Studies meeting, attendance records,
                     logbook containing, information on classroom transactions, minutes of class committee

                     meetings, etc.

                  The IQAC constantly monitors the teachings and learning process by student evaluation
                     forms, monitoring of exam results. The IQAC plans and organizes soft skill development

                     classes for the faculty and students. There is a conscious effort to cover, address the spirit
                     behind the key assessment indicators of NAAC

              Karpagam Academy of Higher Education - AQAR 2015-2016                                Page 13
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