Page 29 - AQAR 2015-2016
P. 29

Criterion   VI

              6.  Governance, Leadership and Management

              6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution


              The  university  shall  instill  originality  in  the  learning  minds,  impart  quality  and  value  based
              education and engages in Research and Development with the noble objective of creating unique
              men and women to serve and lead the society.


                  To  motivate  the  students  to  acquire  skills  and  develop  creativity  with  an  innovative

                  To achieve perfection in entirety in every activity.
                  To empower rural and disadvantaged section for the upliftment.

                  To invent products useful to the society in the healthcare sector.
                  To impart value based education in order to shape the student into a responsible citizen.

              6.2 Does the Institution has a management Information System

                  Publication of results, students attendance, students database and other data are captured
                     and  maintained  with  appropriate  access,  levels  for  students,  faculty,  management,

                     administrative  personnel,  parents,  and  other  stakeholders  by  using  the  automation


                  For  teaching  and  learning  University  has  information  system  for  monitoring  student s

                     attendance and continuous internal assessment marks

              6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

                        6.3.1   Curriculum Development

                  Faculty members are asked to maintain a subject logbook regarding the changes, needs to

                     be made in the next curriculum revision based  on their day-today  experience with the
                     course content and current issues.

                  Journal paper presentation is mandatory for all PG program
                  Soft skills training program for all  UG students

                  New elective courses are introduced

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