Page 81 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 81

Creating           24/08/2018           24/08/2018              120                 214
              awareness on
             gender equity
             using cultural
             International         21/06/2018           21/06/2019              730                 820
                Yoga Day
                Induction          10/08/2018           10/08/2018               46                  51
              Programme to
            Students - Arch

                Induction          01/08/2018           14/08/2018               43                 234
              Programme to
            Students - Engg

                Induction          28/09/2018           28/09/2018               19                  60
              Programme to
               Students -
           7.1.2 – Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability/Alternate Energy initiatives such as:

                       Percentage of power requirement of the University met by the renewable energy sources

           7.1.3 – Differently abled (Divyangjan) friendliness
                      Item facilities                      Yes/No                    Number of beneficiaries

                      Ramp/Rails                            Yes                                1

                 Provision for lift                         Yes                                1
                Physical facilities                         Yes                                1
                      Rest Rooms                            Yes                                1

              Scribes for examination                       Yes                                0
            Special skill development                       Yes                                1
               for differently abled

                 Any other similar                           No                                0

                        Braille                              No                                0

           7.1.4 – Inclusion and Situatedness
                Year      Number of   Number of      Date       Duration     Name of       Issues    Number of
                         initiatives to  initiatives                         initiative  addressed   participating
                           address     taken to                                                       students
                          locational  engage with                                                     and staff
                         advantages      and
                         and disadva contribute to
                           ntages        local
               2018           1           1       08/09/201         1        Swatch      Streets        200
                                                       8                     Bharat         at
                                                                            Abhiyan     Vellalore
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86