Page 39 - AQAR 2015-2016
P. 39
Annexure - III
First Best Practice
1. Title of the Practice
Scrutiny of Research Paper for technical content and linguistic correctness.
2. Objectives
The primary objective of the scrutiny process is to improve its quality by reviewing the
research paper for originality, technical contents, and checking for linguistic errors.
3. The Context
Publishing the research paper in reputed journals is an index of the quality of research
which is the ultimate output for any research work. The extent of efforts taken by the
researcher will go unnoticed if adequate coverage of all the details, relevance of the
contents to the work done, clarity and legibility are not covered in the publication.
The correct use of the language is another critical factor which exhibits the organization
of the research paper with proper linguistic style. Thus scrutiny process occupies an
important stage in the research paper submission process.
4. The Practice
After completion of the paper work, research scholar submits the draft paper to the
research section. The research section sends one copy to the internal faculty who is
competent on the particular domain for reviewing the technical content. Another copy is
sent to English department for correcting the linguistic errors if any. The review
comments are sent back to the research scholar for making necessary corrections before
submitting it to the journals. This procedure is followed for all the research papers being
5. Evidence of Success
This process enabled research scholars to utilize knowledge of the experts available to
improve the quality of research papers. It minimizes turnaround time from submission to
acceptance of journal article and also increases the chances of acceptance.
Karpagam Academy of Higher Education - AQAR 2015-2016 Page 38