Page 41 - AQAR 2015-2016
P. 41

In the month of December, an annual research congress KUARC is conducted in which

                     research scholar is expected to present details of the work done. Research Director HoDs,
                     external experts and respective guides attend the meeting. It is organized as a conference

                     in which feedback, guidance and suggestions are given to the research scholar to carry
                     out the research further.

                   5. Evidence of Success

                     It  improves  the  scholars  ability  to  present  their  research  papers  in  public  forums  and

                     motivates  them  to  participate  themselves  in  various  International  and  National
                     conferences with confidence.

                   6. Problem Encountered and Resources Required
                     The  process  of  organizing  and  scheduling  of  research  congress  have  some  difficulties

                     like, scholars may unable to turn on the date due to some reasons. So, it has been decided
                     that at least scholar has to attend and present his/her work three times in such congress

                     organized by the university.

                   7. Concluding Notes

                     This practice KUARC will certainly enhance research scholars to keep their time line of
                     research and also the quality.

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