Page 33 - AQAR 2017-2018
P. 33

               Distribution &Plantation of Tree saplings in our campus on 72  Independence Day (15  August 2018)

               Success is assessed of by growth of tree after 2 years.

               Best Practice – 2

               1. Title of the Practice : Ignition of research curiosity among UG and PG students

               2. Objectives

                     To  facilitate  the  students  utilizing  lab  instruments  to  inculcate  research  and  higher  studies
                       interest  among  the  students  after  the  scheduled  working  hours  and  after  their  course

                     To extend the students project to the next level which results in publications and patents as an
                       outcome of student project.

               3. The Context: Karpagam Academy of Higher Education (KAHE) is promoting research activities
               among undergraduate and postgraduate level of students. While executing this practice, the students
               shall be spending their time in the department laboratories after scheduled working hours under the
               supervision  of  mentor.  The  mentor  will  monitor  their  research  out  comes  periodically  and  provide
               guidance to improve further development and execution.

                Execution  of  these  activities  in  the  department  makes  them  competent  in  terms  of  manpower,
               communication ability in writing scientific manuscripts and interpreting the results.

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 33
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