Page 35 - AQAR 2017-2018
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List of Publication made by the students

                   1.  Sangilimuthu  Alagar  Yadav,  Nalini  Madanogopal,  Naveen  Kumar  S  and  M.  Karpakavalli,
                       2018.  Mosquito  Larvicidal  and  Antimicrobial  Properties  of  Phyto-synthesized  Silver
                       Nanoparticle  from  Aqueous  and  Methanol  Extracts  of  Wrightia  tinctoria  Leaves,  Current
                       nanomaterial, 2(2): 116 – 126.
                   2.  Natarajan, S., Yadav, S. A., &  Manoharan, S. P. (2018). Influence of macerating enzyme-
                       Cellulase  on  the  extraction  of  valuable  compounds:  Carotenoid  and  Camptothecin.
                       International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(1), 115-120.
                   3.  P. Rajiv, B. Bavadharani, M. Naveen Kumar, P. Vanathi, Synthesis and characterization of
                       biogenic  iron  oxide  nanoparticles  using  green  chemistry  approach  and  evaluating  their
                       biological activities, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 12 (2017) 45–49.
                   4.  Chilivery  Ravi  Kiran,  Sangilimuthu  Alagar,  Sowmya  Priya  Manoharan,  2017.  Volatile
                       phytoconstituent profile of Argemone mexicana L. leaves and pharmacological importance, Int
                       J Pharma Bio Sci 2017 July; 8(3): (B) 523-528.
                   5.  M.  Subhash  Kumar,  P.  Rajiv,  Sivaraj  Rajeshwari,  Rajendran  Venckatesh,  Spectroscopic
                       analysis of vermicompost for determination of nutritional quality, Spectrochimica Acta Part A:
                       Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 135 (2015) 252–255.
                   6.  P. Rajiv, A. Deepa, P. Vanathi, D. Vidhya, Screening for phytochemicals and FT-IR analysis
                       of Myristica dactyloids fruit extracts,  International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
                       Sciences, vol 9, Issue 1, 2017.
                   7.  Priya  V.,  Santhosh  K.,  Mohammed  Thoufiq  M.,  Anitha  J  and  A.  Sangilimuthu,  2014.
                       Antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials of various parts of Tragia plukenetii Radcl.-Sm, Int. J.
                       Pharmacol. Bio. Sci. Vol. 8 (2), 1-10.

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