Page 5 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 5

Board of Management                                     17-Dec-2019

         15. Whether NAAC/or any other accredited             No
         body(s) visited IQAC or interacted with it to
         assess the functioning ?

         16. Whether institutional data submitted to          Yes

         Year of Submission                                   2018

         Date of Submission                                   27-Feb-2019

         17. Does the Institution have Management             Yes
         Information System ?

         If yes, give a brief descripiton and a list of modules  The Institution runs a fullfledged
         currently operational (maximum 500 words)            Management Information Systems (MIS)
                                                              covering various academics and
                                                              administrative modules which includes
                                                              the attendance, internal marks, and
                                                              various other requirements of students
                                                              communication with parents are linked
                                                              with our website
                                                              Students and parents can login and see
                                                              their internal marks, attendance, end
                                                              semester marks also. This system helps
                                                              the faculty and parents to monitor the
                                                              progress of their wards through online
                                                              mode. Reports in various formats are
                                                              available for the various
                                                              administrative needs. Master time table
                                                              are generated through the system which
                                                              will help both students and faculty to
                                                              view their regular and exam timetable
                                                              online. Feeding student details,
                                                              student attendance, mentoring and
                                                              lesson plan are done through the system
                                                              by the faculty members. Controller
                                                              office is a part of the MIS system
                                                              which is completely automated. Internal
                                                              marks entered by faculty members are
                                                              moved directly to controller module of
                                                              the system and wherever possible human
                                                              interventions are greatly reduced. The
                                                              calendar category helps both faculty
                                                              and students to plan for their academic
                                                              events. Circulars are issued
                                                              electronically. All the details of
                                                              faculty and students are available at
                                                              single point. Communication to parents,
                                                              students and research scholars are done
                                                              electronically by the system. The MIS
                                                              system is developed over the years by
                                                              inhouse faculty as per the requirements
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