Page 20 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 20
• Planting tree saplings
• Awareness on “Demonetisation and Cashless Transaction” in a nearby village
• Support for implementation of VISAKA for the traders in 4 villages.
• Camp on “Health and Hygiene” for school students.
Criterion – IV
4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:
Facilities Existing Newly Source of Total
created Fund
Campus area 26 acres - - 26 acres
Class rooms 155 8 Institute 163
Laboratories 114 1 Institute 115
Seminar Halls 10 0 Institute 10
No. of important equipments purchased 60 2 Institute 62
(≥ 1-0 lakh) during the current year.
Value of the equipment purchased during 214.88 4.67 Institute 219.55
the year (Rs. in lakhs)
Others (Rs. in lakhs) 0.80 0.66 Institute 1.46
4.2 Computerization of administration and library
➢ The Library is fully computerized and the entire gamut of operations such as acquisition,
cataloguing and circulation are automated. Issue and return transactions are carried out using
bar code technology.
➢ The traditional catalogue cards are replaced by OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) which
helps the users in getting information about the availability of books through a number of
access points such as by author, title or part of a title and accession number.
➢ Wi-Fi connectivity and Network printing facilities are available in the library.
4.3 Library services:
Existing Newly added Total
No. Value (Rs) No. Value (Rs) No. Value (Rs)
Text Books 62778 1,70,05,315.00 6898 38,74,853.00 69676 2,08,80,168
Reference Books 7779 46,67,423.00 239 1,04,986.00 8018 47,72,409.00
10170 10170
e-Books (677 ---- ---- ---- (677 ----
Categori Categori
Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR Page 20