Page 23 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 23

5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

                   ➢  Alumni Association collects the data directly from the Alumni through e-mail.

                   ➢  The Alumni Coordinators in the departments are in touch with the Alumni through social
                      medias and their which their status is found by it.

               5.3 (a) Total Number of students    UG     PG  Ph. D.  Others
                                                   5353  446     409       14

                     (b) No. of students outside the state

                     (c) No. of international students     11

                                No     %                    No      %

                                3999  64.3   Men
                                                            2223  35.7
                                      Last Year                                      This Year
                                               Physically                               OB
                    General  SC  ST  OBC                     Total  General  SC  ST           Challenge Total
                                               Challenged                                C
                     1167     375  15  4089        4         5646     2007  416  27  3761         2      6211

                          Demand ratio                             Dropout    2.82

               5.4 Details of student support mechanism for the coaching of competitive examinations (If any)

               In the year, a Centre for Competitive Examinations was established. The Centre has organised a
               training program for Civil Service Examination.

               The following are the other programmes conducted for preparing the students for the other competitive

                   ➢  Coaching for  IBPS examinations
                   ➢  Training for NET/SET
                   ➢  Awareness seminar on IELTS/TOFEL
                   ➢  Orientation program for Civil Service Examinations
                   ➢  Coaching for CAT/MAT

                       No. of student beneficiaries    252

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 23
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