Page 15 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 15
HRD programmes -
Orientation programmes -
Faculty exchange programme Nil
Staff training conducted by the university 331
Staff training conducted by other institutions 11
Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc. 90
Others 14
2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff
Number of
Number of Number of Number of
Category Permanent Vacant positions filled positions filled
Employees Positions temporarily
during the Year
Administrative Staff 66 - - -
Technical Staff 110 - - -
Criterion – III
3. Research, Consultancy and Extension
3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution
➢ Publication of articles only in the journals that are indexed in the international data bases are
emphasised on continuous basis.
➢ Monthly review of the progress of the research works of the research scholars.
➢ Dissemination of information related to the research and funded projects.
3.2 Details regarding major projects
Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted
Number 2 3 - 22
Outlay in Rs. Lakhs 58 59.67 - 554.54
3.3 Details regarding minor projects
Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted
Number - - - 4
Outlay in Rs. Lakhs - - - 1.05
Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR Page 15