Page 20 - AQAR 2017-2018
P. 20

4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs:

               i) ICT                                              70.68

               ii) Campus Infrastructure and facilities            954.27

               iii) Equipment                                      139.80

               iv) Others                                            0

                                                 Total:             73.61

               Criterion – V
               5. Student Support and Progression

               5.1 Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services

                     The fresher’s were informed about the facilities available in the campus during the induction

                     Distributed the Brochure on Student Support Services to all the 1  year students

               5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

                     The status of the students passed out in the previous Academic year is collected through
                       Alumni Feedback form during the meeting of Alumni.

                     The department Alumni Co-ordinators track the progression through social media and personal

                     The Alumni Association of the institution takes effort to collect details through mail.

               5.3 (a) Total Number of students     UG      PG     Ph. D.     Others
                                                   5719     664      347         -

                     (b) No. of students outside the state

               (c) No. of international students          07

                                No      %                   No      %
                            Men               Women         2417  35.76
                               4341  64.24

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 20
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