Page 31 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 31

The students who are economically backward and opt for part time job in the evening find it
                       difficult to attend the classes.

                       The resources required are class rooms, labs and faculty members which are available at the

                   7.  Concluding remarks
                       The students find this process as an effective one to enable them to successfully clear their
                       examinations. The personal attention of the faculty boosts their confidence level to face the

                       Since they complete their arrears exams ahead, they are able to focus on their current semester
                       examinations and successfully complete their graduation within the stipulated period

               7.2 Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the
                      beginning of the year

                                    Plan of Action                              Achievements

                      To offer new degree programme, B. Com.  The Institute started offering B.Com.  in
                      in  Business  Processing  Services  (BPS)  in  Business Process Services,  B.Voc.
                      association with Tata Consultancy Services  Programmes on  i) Radiology and Imaging
                      (BPS  Division)  and  B.Voc.  program  on  Technology ii) Physician  Assistant  and
                      Radiology  and  Imaging  Technology;  iii) Medical Laboratory Technology  under
                      Physician  assistant;  Medical  laboratory  the Faculty of Arts, Science and
                      technology  under  the  Faculty  of  Arts,  Humanities from the  academic year  2016-
                      Science and Humanities.                     2017

                      To  offer  three  new  B.  Tech  Programs,  B.  B.Tech (Chemical Engineering) and
                      Tech  (Chemical  Engineering),  B.  Tech  B.Tech (Bio Medical Engineering) are
                      (Petroleum Engineering) and B. Tech (Bio- offered from the academic year 2016-2017
                      Medical Engineering) under the Faculty of  under the Faculty of Engineering.

                      To organize an orientation program to non- The training needs of the Non-teaching
                      teaching  staff  in  drafting,  reporting  and  staff were identified as follows :
                      record maintenance.
                                                                   1.Communication skills (writing)

                                                                   2.Computer operation ( MS Office)

                                                                   3.Documentation & Filing system

                                                                  The resource persons for the above training
                                                                  were also identified and it was planned to
                                                                  conduct the programmes in June 2017.

                      To organize regular interactive sessions for  One day programme on Role of IQAC and
                      the teaching staff on CBCS and IQAC with  Quality Metrics in Higher Education was
                      the external experts.                       organised on 12  September 2016.
                      To  have  the  academic  collaborations  with  Totally 17 Academic collaborations have
                      minimum five companies.                     been made in the academic year 2016-

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 31
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