Page 7 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 7
➢ The guidelines for executing the MoUs were framed and their effectiveness is monitored by
periodic reviews.
➢ The peer reviewed and reputed journals were listed subject wise and forwarded to UGC for
uploading in the Website.
➢ The IQAC has taken up the periodic verification of the documents which are maintained by the
departments to ensure that they are updated and the data are authentic and accurate.
➢ In coordination with the departments, the IQAC has uploaded the data for NIRF ’17 and
AISHE in the MHRD’s Website.
➢ The IQAC has taken the initiative for establishing two Centres, one for the Competitive
Examinations and the other one for the Skill Development.
➢ For evaluating the academic performance of the faculty members, the IQAC has adopted the
Academic Performance Indicators (API) of UGC as the basic criteria.
2.15 Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome
The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards the quality
enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year *
S.No Plan Outcome
1 To reconstitute the existing Committees The existing Committees and Cells were re-
and Cells and review their scope of the constituted. The objectives, functions /
responsibilities and mechanism for periodic
meetings were well defined to enhance the
performance of the Committees and Cells.
2 To enhance the effectiveness of the The templates for collecting the feedback for
existing feedback system getting the feedback from Alumni, Parents
and Students were standardised and the
procedure for analysis and reporting was
* Attach the Academic Calendar of the year as Annexure.
Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR Page 7