Page 11 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 11

courses were added.                                           added.

                                   i) 2 Choice Based courses
                                   and 2 software laboratory
                                   courses were added.

                                   ii) 12 nos. of professional
               B.E (Civil )                                                     -                        -
                                   electives were included.

                                   iii) 2 courses were
                                   combined into a single

                                                                 i) In 19 courses, changes like
                                                                 rearrangement, swapping,
                                                                 inclusion and omission of
               B.Tech (Biotech)                  -               topics were made.                       -

                                                                 ii) In 6 courses, a few topics
                                                                 were elaborated.

                                   One theory and one            In 2 courses, new topics were
               B. Arch.                                                                                  -
                                   practical course were added.  added.

                                                                 In 3 courses, new topics were
               M. Arch.                          -                                                       -

               1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give details.

                   1)  Centre for Competitive Examinations

                   2)  Centre for Skill Development

               Criterion – II

               2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

                                                            Asst.            Associate
               2.1 Total No. of permanent      Total                                         Professors    Others
               faculty                                    Professors         Professors
                                                333          270                32               23          8

               2.2  No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D.   97

                                                     Asst.        Associate    Professors  Others       Total

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 11
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