Page 10 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 10

(Biochemistry       major changes                 topics have been made.

                                                                 In 3 Courses, 5 topics were     In 5 courses, a
               B.Sc.                             -               added and in one course, 2      few
               (Biotechnology)                                   topics were removed.            terminologies
                                                                                                 were renamed.

                                                                 In 4 Courses, 6 topics were     In 2 courses, a

               M.Sc.                             -               added and in 2 courses, 2       few
               (Biotechnology)                                   topics were removed             terminologies
                                                                                                 were renamed.

                                                                 In 5courses, a new topic on
               Commerce                          -                                                       -
                                                                 GST was added.

                                                                 3 course oriented projects
               B.E (ECE)                         -               (each carrying one credit) were         -

                                   i) One course was split into   i) 4 course oriented projects
                                   2 courses and  one core       (each carrying one credit) were
                                   course was changed as an      included

               B.E (EEE)           elective course               ii) Minor changes were made             -

                                   ii) One course was shifted    in the contents of one course.
                                   from one semester to the
                                   other.                        .

                                   One core course and 2         3 course oriented projects      Name of a
               B.E (CSE)           professional electives were   (each carrying one credit) were  course was
                                   included.                     included                        changed

                                                                 4 course oriented projects      i) In 2 courses,
                                                                 (each carrying one credit) were  the name of a
                                                                 included                        unit in each
                                                                                                 course was
               B.E (Mechanical)                  -               In one course, one new Unit     changed.
                                                                 was added.
                                                                                                 ii) The names of
                                                                                                 the two courses
                                                                                                 were changed.

                                    One new course was added  3 course oriented projects were
               B.E (Automobile)                                                                          -

               B.Tech              The syllabi of 24 courses                    -                In 3 courses,
               (Aerospace)         were modified and 12 new                                      references were

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 10
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