Page 12 - AQAR 2016-2017
P. 12

2.3 No. of Faculty Positions         Professors  Professors
               Recruited (R) and Vacant (V)          R     V      R      V     R     V      R     V     R      V
               during the year
                                                     92    12     5      4     2     3      0     0     99     17

               2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and Temporary faculty    -         18         25

               2.5 Faculty participation in conferences and symposia:
                        No. of Faculty    International level    National level    State level
                    Attended                      6                  157                4
                    Presented papers             66                   94                0
                    Resource Persons              3                    4                3

               2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

               Various innovative processes are adopted by the departments in teaching and learning:

                   ➢  The e-content material for all the theory courses offered are prepared and uploaded in the
                       KAHE server.

                   ➢  In the Department of English, the students are asked to submit the assignments in the charts
                       and make a brief presentation in the class.

                   ➢  In the Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Models are used to teach the students to
                       understand the basic concepts of Mathematics and its Applications.

                   ➢  In the Department of Biochemistry, problem based learning and practical learning are

                   ➢  Videos and animated movies are shown for specific topics for the better understanding in the
                       Department of Biotechnology.

                   ➢  In the Microbiology Department, recent research articles are discussed in the class room.

                   ➢  Seminars and case studies are used as the means for teaching in the Departments of
                       Management and Commerce.

                   ➢  In the Department of  Mechanical Engineering 60 % of the lectures are delivered  through ICT

                   ➢  In the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, hands on training are provided on
                       the specific topics to impart practical knowledge. Industrial visits are also arranged to enable
                       the students to understand the theory in a better way.

                   ➢  Puzzle Learning, Peer Learning, Cryptographic learning, Working Model Preparation, Video
                       Lectures, Mind mapping, Adzap and Group learning are the different methods used in the
                       Department of B.Tech (Biotech).

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 12
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