Page 13 - AQAR 2017-2018
P. 13

2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff

                                                                         Number of        Number of
                                            Number of  Number of
                           Category         Permanent      Vacant      positions filled    positions
                                            Employees     Positions
                                                                      during the Year  temporarily
                      Administrative Staff       -             -              -                -

                      Technical Staff           151            -              -                -

               Criterion – III

               3. Research, Consultancy and Extension

               3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution

                     The information related to the calls for Project Proposals by the funding agencies, Fellowships
                       and  Scholarships  for  the  students  and  faculty  members,  Publication  of  Articles  etc.,  are

                     For the Research Scholars and the faculty members  training programmes have been organised
                       on the following topics
                         i.   How to write a research article
                        ii.   Ethics in writing a research article
                        iii.   Patentreview
                        iv.   Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights

                     Workshop on Research Methodology and Data Analysis using SPSS Package was organised
                       for the Research Scholars
                     Publication of research articles in the Scopus indexed journals is focused on continuous basis

               3.2 Details regarding major projects

                                              Completed        Ongoing        Sanctioned       Submitted
                        Number                     1               3               1               13
                        Outlay in Rs. Lakhs      34.87          55.80            36.65           206.81

               3.3 Details regarding minor projects

                                              Completed        Ongoing        Sanctioned       Submitted
                        Number                     1               0               0               24
                        Outlay in Rs. Lakhs       0.1              0               0               2.6

               Revised Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR                                     Page 13
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