Page 61 - AQAR 2018-2019
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INFOSIUM National level                National Level                           275
               Technical Symposium (
                Paper Presentation,
              Debugging, Web Design,
               Quiz, and Connection)
             National Pharmacy Week (                National Level                           206
                 Quiz Competition)
            Students Symposium 2018 (                National Level                           270
                   Bio Chemistry)
                    MANALTICS2K19                    National Level                           985

            National Level Symposium,                National Level                           245
                     Asthraa 2019

              Pongal day celebrations              Institution Level                         1200
             Science Day Competitions              Institution Level                          540
            Mathmania Talent hunt2018              Institution Level                          360

            Kho-Kho Competition (Men)              Institution Level                          275
              Hand ball Competition (              Institution Level                          275
                   Men and Women)
                    Cricket (Men)                  Institution Level                          247

              Volleyball Competition               Institution Level                          144
                   (Men and Women)

               Badminton Competition               Institution Level                          175
                (Men and Women) and
                Football Competition
                                                         View File

          5.3 – Student Participation and Activities
           5.3.1 – Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at national/international
          level (award for a team event should be counted as one)
                Year        Name of the    National/     Number of      Number of     Student ID    Name of the
                           award/medal    Internaional   awards for     awards for     number         student
                                                           Sports        Cultural
                2018          Gold       Internatio          1              0         17CMU147      B.PRABHU
                2018          Gold       Internatio          2              0        17MBAP042      P.PRABHU
                2018          Gold       Internatio          2              0        17MBAP047       T.RAJA
                2018          Gold       Internatio          1              0         16BAU026      S.SATHISH
                2018          Gold       Internatio          1              0        15RBEAE007     M.CHANDRU
                2018          Gold       Internatio          1              0        17MBAP071     P.VIKRAMAN
                2018          Gold       Internatio          2              0         16MMU047      S.VIGNESH
                2018         Silver      Internatio          3              0         16EGU027       S.SURYA
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66