Page 62 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 62

                2018         Bronze      Internatio          1              0        15RBEAE007     M.CHANDRU
                2018         Bronze      Internatio          1              0         16BCU009      A.DINESH
                                              nal                                                     KUMAR
                                                         View File

           5.3.2 – Activity of Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative bodies/committees of
          the institution (maximum 500 words)
                Karpagam Academy Higher Education has a Student Council comprising of one
             Chairperson, one Secretary and 25 Department representatives. The eligibility
                  criterion to contest in Student Council includes a high percentage of
              attendance, a good record of conduct and academic excellence. The Department
               representatives, bring to the notice of the Student Council, requirement /
                    grievance and suggestions of the students with regard to academic,
               administrative and welfare issues. The Students Council functions under the
             overall supervision of the Director, Student Affairs. The Student Council and
             the Class Representatives have regular meeting once in a semester and discuss
             issues of importance. The Director, Student Affair participate in the meeting
            of Student Council. Activities of the Student Council relating to Institutional
               Department The Student Council plays a major role in the conduct of various
             programmes with the support of the fellow students to show-case their talents.
              It promotes the functioning of various clubs in the institute such as media,
                 literary and eco club, which encourages students to portray their latent
                  talents. It places an active role in promotion of sports and cultural
               activities in identifying the student’s talents and motivating them to take
                active part in such programme. It ensures adequate availability of books,
               periodicals and other resources in the library. Chairperson of the Student
             Council represents students’ community in Internal Quality Assurance Cell. It
                helps institute to collaborate with industries to create opportunities to
            network and build relationship. The student council takes active part in Swachh
                Bharat and Unnat Bharat Abiyan Schemes for the development of the adopted
            villages in the area of environment cleanliness, children education, health and
               hygiene programmes, social afforestation etc. They conduct a minimum of two
              programmes in each of the adopted village. The student council also involved
            Road Safety Awareness Programme. The student council has done an impressive job
                  in Delta Region during Kaja Cyclone and got appreciation from District
                 Administration and local people. The student council have collected and
             distributed free cloths to the affected people and also conducted medical camp
               to treat the ailments caused due to cyclone. Activities relating to Student
             Welfare The student Council monitors the hostel facilities and if there is any
                    break-down / repair to be done they brought it to the notice of the
             administration. Similarly, the Council represents sports facilities to be made
             more vibrant and maintenance of hygiene, choice and quality of menu in canteen
                 and mess. Transport facilities are scheduled as per the requirements of
              students / staff. Council also represent specific skill requirements through
            their HODs and Deans for consideration. The books / journal requirements of the
              departments are also recommended by the student council. The council plays a
             important role in University-Industry linkage for the benefit of the students
            community. The student council of KAHE is sensitive to the welfare of their own
                    peers as well as contributes for the development of the intuition.
          5.4 – Alumni Engagement

           5.4.1 – Whether the institution has registered Alumni Association?
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