Page 65 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 65

Examination and Research are given administrative freedom in their respective
             domains. For instance, the Examination Section is given full autonomy to draw
                  the Examination Schedule, setting of question papers, evaluation, and
                 declaration of results and issuing of mark statements and certificates.
            Likewise, the Research Section admits students by conducting entrance test, and
               conducting Doctoral Committee Meeting, plagiarism check of both thesis and
               research articles before they are submitted / sent for publication. In this
                    way, the functions of examination section and research section are
             decentralized. In both academic and administrative domains, the decisions are
               taken democratically through participative management. For instance, in the
              Board of Studies, internal academic experts, external experts from academia,
               industries / professional bodies participate when deciding the curriculum.
              Student representatives are also invited as special invitees. Similarly, the
            Academic Council has internal academic experts besides the representatives from
               industries / professional bodies and eminent academicians from outside. All
                 other non-statutory committees such as Anti-Ragging Committee, Internal
               Complaints Committee against Sexual Harassment, Student Grievance Redressal
            Committee and Equal opportunity Cell have student representatives. As such, the
            institution practices decentralization, delegation and participative management
                  in all its academic and administrative domains with letter and spirit.

           6.1.2 – Does the institution have a Management Information System (MIS)?

          6.2 – Strategy Development and Deployment

           6.2.1 – Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following (with in 100 words each):
                              Strategy Type                                         Details

                       Curriculum Development                    Choice Based Credit System(CBCS) has
                                                               been implemented in all the programmes
                                                                 offered by the institution from the
                                                               academic year 2016 to 2017. In order to
                                                                   enhance the effectiveness of the
                                                                     feedback system, the IQAC has
                                                               implemented a system for collecting and
                                                                   analyzing the feedback once in a
                                                                 semester from the students uniformly
                                                                 across the Institution. This system
                                                               enables the departments to identify the
                                                                   scope for improvement updating /
                                                                enhancing the curriculum and syllabi.

                       Teaching and Learning                   The system for documenting the academic
                                                               activities at the department level has
                                                                been restructured and a mechanism for
                                                               monitoring the update on regular basis
                                                               put in place to ensure authenticity and
                                                                   reliability of data submitted to
                                                                  various regulatory and assessment
                                                                  agencies. The records of Teaching
                                                                Learning and Evaluation processes are
                                                                maintained by the faculty members for
                                                               the courses being handled by them. They
                                                                are audited and the feedback is given
                                                               for improvement by IQAC. An environment
                                                               friendly initiative was taken to store
                                                                  the academic records in electronic
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