Page 64 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 64

Sudalaimuthu, Vice Chancellor. Annual report was presented by Alumni Cell
             advisor Dr. V. Senthil Kumar. Department wise alumni coordinators from all the
            batches participated in the meet. Alumni association members were selected. The
                following points were discussed 1. Activities and events conducted in the
               previous year was reviewed. Alumni participation in career counselling was
             appreciated. 2. Alumni association appreciated alumni members who had actively
             involved in conducting personality development trainings, mock interviews and
             confidence building programs. 3. Alumni association appreciated alumni members
                for their contribution in arranging guest lectures. 4. Alumni association
                  appreciated alumni members who associated in providing internship and
              placement. 5. New initiatives were planned for the current academic year. It
                 was planned to conduct health awareness programmes and women empowerment
             programmes. It was decided to go for tree plantation in the adopted villages.
                  6. Alumni association readily accepted to work with NSS to improve the
            sanitization in the villages and it was decided to provide necessary goods such
             as bed sheet, cloths, and pillows to the government hospitals. 7. With the aim
               of building drug free nation, it was proposed to conduct one drug awareness
               programme every year in association with alumni. 8. Internships are planned
                with existing alumni entrepreneurs. 9. It was planned to start new alumni
             chapters in few more states. Alumni were appreciated and felicitated for their
            involvement in the institutional enhancement. After the lunch, department level
               interactive session was arranged. Concerned Head of the department, faculty
                 members, alumni and pre final year students attended. Total No of Alumni
               enrolled: 1085 Total No of Alumni Attended: 981 Alumni members shared their
             industrial experience. They discussed about the higher studies, internship and
                 placement opportunities. Feedback was collected from alumni on programme
               outcomes to enhance infrastructure and teaching/learning. At the end of the
                         session, games and cultural were organised for the Alumni.


          6.1 – Institutional Vision and Leadership
           6.1.1 – Mention two practices of decentralization and participative management during the last year (maximum 500

               The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Executive Authority of the University and
                 executes the directions issued by the Board of Management and Government
             agencies. For effective and efficient management of the institution, the Vice-
            Chancellor delegates and decentralizes some of his power and authority to other
                  officials of the institution. Again, for taking effective decisions he
             practices participative management where the connected people are involved and
             it is a team which takes decision. As far as academic domain is concerned, the
              Heads of academic departments are given freedom to introduce new courses and
            frame Regulations and curricula after taking into consideration the opinions of
             the stakeholders such as peer group, students, employees and Alumni, which is
                 subject to approval by the statutory bodies such as Board of Studies and
             Academic Council and their effective implementation. The responsibility of the
             University administration is restricted to providing necessary infrastructure,
               equipments, learning resources, and favourable environment. Identifying the
              learning levels of students, categorizing them as slow to advanced learners,
                 and conducting remedial coaching to slow learners and providing special
               privileges to advanced learners are the responsibilities of the respective
            departments. It is the responsibility of the teaching faculty to prepare lesson
                plan, teaching diary, maintaining log books, and to adopt suitable modern
            teaching methods including use of ICT. The continuous assessment and evaluation
              of students are done at individual faculty level. Based on the feedback, the
               required actions to be taken are considered for implementation. The action
             taken report is placed to the Board of Management for approval. Similarly, the
                  administrative wings of the University such as Establishment, Finance,
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