Page 68 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 68
6.2.2 – Implementation of e-governance in areas of operations:
E-governace area Details
Administration 1. All the communication received from
statutory councils like UGC, AICTE,
PCI, CoA, are implemented in letter and
spirit and circulated through digital
mode. 2. All the information pertaining
to teaching faculty members of the
Institution are digitalised. 3. All
communication to teaching, Nonteaching
staff and students of our Institution
are sent through digital modes. 4. All
the various requirements of the various
departments are managed online. 5.
Meetings minutes of Statutory and
nonstatutory bodies are digitised. 6.
Faculty recruitment process is
digitised. 7. Feedback collection and
analysis is digitised. 8. Alumni
communication is done through digital
mode. 9. Communication with parents is
Student Admission and Support 1. Admissions process is automated from
application forms issue, submission of
application, admissions to fee payment.
2. Communication with student regarding
opening date and other important
details is automated. 3. All the
existing students can view their
attendance and mark details through
online. 4. Students can update their
details through online.
Finance and Accounts 1. Students can pay their fees through
digital modes. 2. Payment to most of
the suppliers and service providers is
made through digital mode.
Examination 1. Online examinations are conducted.
2. Remuneration for the question paper
setters and evaluators is paid
completely through digital mode. 3.
Internal marks are completely
transferred through ERP system and
marks are completely entered through
system. 4. All areas of COE office from
student subject registration, hall
ticket generation to result publication
is take care by the system which
supports the CBCS (Choice Based Credit
6.3 – Faculty Empowerment Strategies
6.3.1 – Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee
of professional bodies during the year
Year Name of Teacher Name of conference/ Name of the Amount of support
workshop attended professional body for