Page 67 - AQAR 2018-2019
P. 67

recruited employee shall be on
                                                                     probation for a period of two
                                                                 years.NonTeaching Staff:The Board of
                                                                 Management shall have the powers to
                                                                create nonteaching posts from time to
                                                                 time according to the necessity. All
                                                                appointments are made by the Board of
                                                               management on the recommendation of the
                                                                 selection committee constituted for
                                                                 this purpose.Period of Probation and
                                                                 Confirmation: The minimum period of
                                                                 probation of a teacher shall be one
                                                               year, extendable by a maximum period of
                                                               one more year in case of unsatisfactory
                                                               performance. The institution issues an
                                                               order of confirmation to the incumbents
                                                                 within 45 days of completion of the
                                                                 probation period after following the
                                                                    due process of verification of
                                                                 satisfactory performance. PROMOTION:
                                                                Teaching Staff: The teachers shall be
                                                                  considered for promotion from one
                                                                 Academic Level to another as per the
                                                                  Career Advance Scheme under these
                                                                  Regulations.NonTeaching Staff: All
                                                               promotions shall be made based on merit
                                                                  from the candidates processing the
                                                                  qualification prescribed.Seniority
                                                                    being considered when merit and
                                                                 efficiency are approximately equal.
              Industry Interaction / Collaboration             The Institution has established strong
                                                                  linkages with industry. It offers
                                                                   industry specific curriculum and
                                                                training programs through tieups with
                                                                  institution like Tata Consultancy
                                                                       Services, Infosys, Wipro,
                                                               EMC2Corporation, Insurance Institute of
                                                                 India, CDAC, Micro, Small and Medium
                                                               Enterprises (MSME) and BSNL.The Deemed
                                                               to be University has entered into MoUs
                                                               with 80 institutions / industries both
                                                                  at the National and International
                                                                      levels. Some of the notable
                                                                 collaborations are with • Coimbatore
                                                                 Municipal Corporation – Controlling
                                                               germination of insects and flies in the
                                                                   Municipal Composite Yard • NUREY
                                                                 Chemicals – Development of synthetic
                                                                 formulation from the medicinal plant
                                                                  for diabetic • BINUCON – European
                                                                Region Action Scheme for the Mobility
                                                                   of University Students (ERASMUS)
                                                                  Admission of Students: Institution
                                                                      offers courses programmes in
                                                                 collaboration with industry and they
                                                                are admitted based on the regulations
                                                                         of statutory councils.
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