5 Ways To Improve Graduate Employability

5 ways to improve graduate employability

Regardless of what you think or believe, having a university degree alone won’t land you a job once you are done with your graduation, nor is it sufficient in helping you stay ahead of the pack when it comes to the job hunt.

A combination of factors, such as no prior work experience, lacing the required command of English, & unrealistic salary expectations, adds up to raise the number of youth unemployed before you even go out of KAHE, the Best commerce college in Coimbatore.  

However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Here are five suggestions for what you can do to boost your graduate employability while still in university and to add some good value to your CV.

1. Gaining work experience

Studies and experts agree that the best way a fresh graduate at a reputed institute like KAHE, Top MBA college in India can improve their employability is by gaining much-needed work experience.

These experiences can come in the form of you spending time as an intern or working at part-time jobs. Even if these jobs are unrelated to your field of study, they will help you to build on your transferable skills that will be useful in the future. These include communication, time management and the ability to work under pressure, which is applicable in different work environments.

2. Never overlook the importance of extracurricular activities

Being a part of extracurricular activities is similar to getting work experience — it shows that you are gaining and have gained transferable skills that can be applied in the workforce and that you’re not merely about your grades, but have carved a life for yourself outside the classroom. For example, if you’re a journalism student at KAHE, the Top 5 deemed university in Coimbatore, you may want to consider joining the university’s student newspaper to experience writing news stories and to understand how the editorial process works.

3. Get equipped with new skills

Skills are always welcome and valuable, be they soft or technical. You must equip yourself with such skills to succeed in your workplace. That is why while you are at KAHE, the best private universities in Coimbatore you should be open to learning new skills, even those that may be outside your course domain, as they can set you apart from the pack. For instance, if you love to write, you can pick up related technical skills that are relevant to your future career, such as programming, as this will make you more employable compared to a graduate who only knows how to write.

4. Maintain a portfolio of your prime work

Whether it’s a sample of your fiction writing, digital art or videos, it pays to maintain a portfolio of your prime work at KAHE, top colleges in Coimbatore for arts and science or your internship. Show off your hard work with a physical copy or an e-portfolio (or both!), and ensure that you update it. Employers always prefer a candidate’s portfolio, so it’s worth setting one up. Portfolio aside, you could also keep a collection of all your work, both the good and bad, to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and where to improve.

5. Take some time out for a volunteer approach

Volunteering at an event is an admirable way to gain new key skills, especially if you have limited work experience. Volunteering allows you to try your hands on new experiences, such as getting involved in humanitarian welfare, conservation programmes and animal welfare. For example, if you’re keen on pursuing a career in early childhood education, volunteering as a classroom assistant in a school for disabled children may prove useful.

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