Department of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering course for Undergraduate Program has been offered at the university campus since 2009. The academic activities of the department emphasis on deep understanding of fundamental concepts, development of creative ability to handle the challenge of Civil Engineering and the analytical ability to solve problems which are interdisciplinary in nature. The Faculty members encourage the student to get involved in the Research activities in the Department.



To educate the students to face the challenges pertaining to Civil Engineering and guide them to become creative, innovative and socially responsible contributors in their profession.


  1. To develop professionally competent Civil Engineers through dedicated team effort, academic collaborations and on-site experience.
  2. To motivate students to pursue higher education through competitive examinations.
  3. To give a broad education to the students on recent areas of development through well-established laboratory facilities, collaborative projects with academic research and industrial exposure.


Professional Practice to Improve the Performances Through Ideas and Proposals

Department of civil engineering under Faculty of Engineering in Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore has established a full-fledged Consultancy and testing wing since January 2018 and experts in this section provide consultancy in the area of structural design, guidance related to building construction, Planning, documentation, etc.,

Local planning authority Coimbatore certified five of our staff members as registered engineers in various categories like Structural Design work, Developer, Geo-Technical Engineering, Registered Engineer, and Construction Engineer.

We have been conducting Geotechnical investigation, material, and water sample testing work for many of the Smart City projects proposed by Coimbatore, Tiruppur city Municipal Corporation, Nilgiris Horticulture department, and Kaur Govt. Medical College works.

Our Department experts are authorized for issuing Third Party Inspection Certificate to town panchayat road works of Sulur, Vellalore, Kinathukadavu, and Madhukarai.

We are also providing the above-mentioned consultancy & testing service to various private construction works like Multistorey buildings, Commercial complex, and Industrial shed.

  1. Under Graduate Programme
    • B.E Civil Engineering (Strength: 30)
  2. Post Graduate Programmes
    • M.E. Structural Engineering (Strength: 6)
  3. Research Programme
    • Ph.D in Civil Engineering
Name Qualification Designation Email ID Profile
Dr.N.Balasundaram M.E., Ph.D. Professor Click Here
Dr.PA.Ganeshwaran M.E., Ph.D. Professor Click Here
Dr.M.Natarajan M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor Click Here
Dr.G.R.Vijay Shankar M.E., Ph.D. Associate Professor Click Here
Mr.V.Johnpaul M.E., (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.P.Preethi M.E. Assistant Professor Click Here
Mrs.S.Solai Mathi M.E. Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.A.Krishna Kumar Athithan M.E. Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.T.Balamurugesan M.E. Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.K.Tripooja M.E. Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr. Karthikkumar S M.E Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.M.Vignesh M.E Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.G.Madhan Raja M.E Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms. A. Jenifer Princy M.E Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms. B. Karolina Assistant Professor

Lab Facilities

  1. Structural Engineering Laboratory
  2. Surveying Laboratory
  3. Soil Laboratory
  4. Construction material Laboratory.

Lab Photos

Paper publications by the Faculty Members

Best Five Papers Faculty wise:


  1. Leena A.V , C. Meiaraj, Dr.N.Balasundaram, “Assessment of dairy waste treatment Based on sludge volume index technique”International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 7, Issue 5, September-October 2016, pp. 368–381.
  2. N.Kumar & Dr. N. Balasundaram, “Efficiency PAC in water treatment plant on disposal of its sludge”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 12, PP:3253-3262, June 2017.
  3. S.Vasudevan &Dr. N. Balasundaram, “Autoclave Aerated Concrete Blocks with Reinforced Concrete frame and Buckling Restrained braced frame under cyclic loading”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 9, Number 2,February 2018, pp. 205-214.
  4. D. Viswanath, N. Balasundaram, “Study on Bio Medical Waste Disposal Management in Salem and Introduction of Plasma Pyrolysis Method”, Ecology and Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Volume 37 (2), 2018, PP – 537-542.
  5. M.Harikaran, Dr. N Balasundaram, “Evaluation of Concrete Using Reshaped Waste Tyre Rubber as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate”, Volume-7, Issue-6S3, April 2019, PP: 655-660.

Dr. M. Natarajan

  1. A.Balaji, Dr. M. Natarajan & A.Praveen, “Evolving Cross-Corrugated Cold Form Sheet Based Composite Slab Panel For Efficient PEB Construction”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 8, Issue 3, pp. 402-410, March 2017.
  2. K.P. Chandran, Dr. M. Natarajan & Dr. C. Meiaraj , “Eco Friendly Light Weight Geo polymer Concrete for Sustainable Development” , International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2017, pp. 572–580, August 2017.
  3. Dr.M.Natarajan & P.Shanthi, “Anaerobic digestion of Municipal solid biodegradable wastes for methane production: A Review”, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Vol.4 Issue XII , PP-208-215, December 2016.
  4. C.Mariappan, Dr. M. Natarajan, “Utilization of Flyash and ETP Sludge in Concrete with addition of Banana Fibre”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2018, pp. 398-406.
  5. M.Seenirajan, Dr. M. Natarajan, R. Thangaraj, S. Vivek Kumar, “Importance of Morphometry Studies, Landform Processes using Remote Sensing and GIS for TamiraparaniSubbasin, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, India”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano Science, Volume 16, January 2019, PP 1-10.

Dr.Pa. Ganeshwaran

  1. Pa.Ganeshwaran and S. Deepa Shri, “A Solid waste Management in Coimbatore city”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 14, August 2015, PP -6177 -6183.

Dr.G. R. Vijay Shankar

  1. G.R. Vijay Shankar & Dr. D. Suji, “Optimum Usage of using Metakolin and Quarry Dust in High Performance Concrete”, IOSR Journal of Engineering ( IOSRJEN), Vol. 4 Issue 2 pp.56-59, Feb 2014.
  2. G.R. Vijayshankar, M. C. Sundararaja , Yun Yong Kim & G. Ganesh Prabhu , , “Using carbon fibre reinforced polymer to strengthen concrete filled steel tubular column”, Structures and Buildings – ice publishing, PP 1-5, 2017.
  3. G.R. Vijay Shankar & Dr. D. Suji, “Seismic Behaviour of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Beam- Column Joints in High Performance Concrete using Metakolin and Partial replacement with Quarry Dust”, ISRN Material Science, Volume 2014, Article ID 361962 , 11Pages, Feb 2014.
  4. G.R. Vijay Shankar & Dr. D. Suji, “Study of Durability Properties on High Performance Concrete Using Metakaolin and Partial Replacement of Quarry Dust”, International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol.8, No.7, 2013,pp-791-805.
  5. G.R. Vijay Shankar & Dr. D. Suji, “Static and Cyclic Behaviour of High Performance Concrete beams using Metakolin and Partial Replacement with Quarry Dust”, Jr. of Industrial Pollution Control, Volume 30, Issue 1, June 2014 pp.153-162.

Ms.M. Vidhya

  1. M. Vidhya, S.Gobhiga & K.Rubini , “ Experimental Study on self-curing on concrete using bio material and admixtures”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education, Special Issue,PP-260-264, April-2017.
  2. M. Vidhya, Mrs. E. Ezhilarasi, Ms. NandhiniChella Kavitha and Mrs. K. Rubini, “An experimental Study on self-Consolidating concrete with silica fume and glass fibre”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology ( IJERT), Volume 5, Issue 2, December2016, pp. 298–304.
  3. S.Kumaresan, K.Rubini & M.Vidhya, “An experimental study on flexural behaviour of composite beams with shear connector”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education, Special Issue, April-2017, PP-21-27.

Ms.S. M. Leela Bharathi

  1. P.Prabha, S. M. Leela Bharathi, G.S.Palani, R. Senthil & R. Theenathayalan, “FEA simulation of connection behaviour between steel-foam concrete composite panels”, Journal of Structural Engineering (JoSE), Vol. 43, No. 6, February – March 2017 , pp. 529-538.
  2. Abijith Sajeeve, J. Arun Raj, G.T. Ananth, S. M. Leela Bharathi, “Dissection on the Compressive Strength of Concrete by replacing Sand With Laterite Soil And M-Sand”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume8,Issue3,March 2017, pp.373–384.
  3. P.Kirubagharan, R. Gowtham, Albertduraisingh, Akshai B Nair, S. M. Leela Bharathi, “Experimental Study on behaviour of paver block using crushed rubber powder”, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017, pp.582-589.
  4. S.M.Leela Bharathi, “Experimental study on hybrid fiber self-compacting Concrete”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education, Special Issue, April-2017, PP-248-254.
  5. S.M. LeelaBharathi & P.Prabha, “Parametric Study on Steel – Foamed Concrete Composite Panel Systems”, SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2017, pp. 16-22.


  1. V.Johnpaul, “An Experimental Investigation on Pervious concrete by using furnace slag and recycled coarse aggregate”, SSRG International Journal of Civil Engineering, Special Issue PP-108-112, March -2017.
  2. V.Johnpaul, K.Vignesh, J.Suganthan, “An Experimental Investigation on Pervious concrete by using furnace slag and recycled coarse aggregate”, International conference on Engineering Science & Technology and Management, Seventh sense research Group, .
  3. Dr.Ramadevi.K and Johnpaul.V, “Flexural Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete Beam With And Without GBFS (Granulated Blast Furnace Slag)”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 24, 2014, PP 28401 – 28407.
  4. John Paul V, Antony Rachel Sneha M., “Effect of Random Inclusion of Bamboo Fibers on Strength Behavior of Fly ash Treated Black Cotton Soil”, Volume 7, Issue 5, Sep -Oct 2016, pp. 153–160.
  5. Johnpaul V., N. Balasundaram, Anima M., Avishkar T. and Devaanand K.C., “An Experimental Study On Fire Resistant Concrete Using Mineral Admixture”, Ecology Environment and Conservation, Vol 25, Issue 2, 2019, PP- 718-720.

Ms.R. Sindhu

  1. R, V Johnpaul, Singh Sunil Gulab, Subash P and Sohail Ahamed Z, “An Experimental Study on Rehabilitation of Concrete Beam, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1006 012010, Dec 2020.
  2. R.Sindhu, B. Preethiwini&SudhanNayakraj. S.P. “Electro Chemical Studies on Epoxy coated rebars in marine environment”,International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET), Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2017, pp. 582–589.
  3. Sindhu, R., Raymond Joseph, Manikandan. N., Mohan Kumar, V., Mouli,. R., “Half-Cell Potentiostatic Study of Reinforced Concrete in Marine Environment”, Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 15 (4), 2018, PP. 917-919.
  4. R.Sindhu, V. Johnpaul, A. Nisha Devi and R.Senthilkumar, “An Experimental Study on Comparison of Curing of Concrete Using Natural Resins And Curing Components”, Ecology Environment and Conservation, Vol 25, Issue 2 , 2019, PP- 736-739.
  5. S.Hemavathi , A. Sumil Kumaran , R. Sindhu, “An experimental investigation on properties of concrete by using silica fume and glass fibre as admixture”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 21, 2020, PP.456–459.

Mr. M.Sumesh

  1. M. Sumesh, Baleshwar Singh, K. Vigneshwaran, C. Samsonchelladurai and G. Vikranth (2020). “Effect of Coal Ash on Strength Characteristics of Clayey Silt Soil Treated with Cement”, Material Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.10.247. [SCOPUS Conference Proceedings].
  2. M. Sumesh, U. Johnson Alengaram, MohdZaminJumaat, Kim Hung Mo, “Microstructural and Strength Characteristics of High-Strength Mortar Using Nontraditional Supplementary Cementitious Materials”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Volume 31, Issue 4, 2019, PP-04019017, . [Web of Science].
  3. M. Sumesh, U. Johnson Alengaram, M.Z. Jumaat, K.H. Mo, M.F. Alnahhal (2017). “Incorporation of nano-materials in cement composite and geopolymer based paste and mortar – A review”, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, Vol. 148, pp: 62–84.  [Web of Science].
  4. M.F Alnahhal, U. Johnson Alengaram, M.Z. Jumaat, M.A. Alqedra, K.H. Mo, M. Sumesh (2017). “Evaluation of industrial by-products as sustainable pozzolanic materials in recycled aggregate concrete”, Sustainability (MDPI), 9(5), 767. [Web of Science].
  5. M. Sumesh, U. Johnson Alengaram and R. R. Nayaka (2018). “Effect of binder content, water-cement ratio and superplasticizer in partial replacement of palm oil industry wastes-based mortar”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 431 (8), 082007, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/431/8/082007. [SCOPUS and Web of Science Conference Proceedings].


  1. P.Preethi, Sakthivel. R, “Red Mud Brick using Lime and Coir Fibre”, Test Engineering & Management, Volume 83, Page No. 5132 – 5136, March – April 2020.

Ms.S.Solai Mathi

  1. Johnpaul, C R. Jayakumar, R. Sindhu, N. Balasundaram and S. Solai Mathi, “Preparation of Inundation Maps by Developing Unsteady Flow Model of Pamba River- Decision Support System for Disaster Management”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Dec 2020.
  2. V Johnpaul, R Abiraami, R Sindhu, N Balasundaram and S. Solai Mathi, “High Strength Lightweight Foam Concrete”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Dec 2020.
  3. Solai Mathi, V. Johnpaul, PR. Riyas, “Mechanical Properties of Concrete with Bottom Ash as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Dec 2020.


  1. A, Pratheba.S, Vijayalakshmi.R, “Experimental Study on High Strength Rice Husk Ash Concrete Incorporating Lathe Waste”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) ISSN: 2278 -7798, Volume 6, Issue 9, PP 1360-1363, September2017.
  2. S, Bharathi.S, Devanathan.E, Dhinesh Babu.T, Hariprasath.D, “An Experimental Study on Offshore Sand with Partial Replacement of River Sand In Concrete”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 05 Issue: 03, PP -765-770, Mar-2018.
  3. Kumar, S. Pratheba, R.Rajendran, K. Perumal, N. Lingeshwaran, Sumitha Sambaraju, “An Experimental Study on the mechanical properties of concrete replacing sand with quarry dust and waste foundry sand”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 33, Issue P1, Pg 828-832, 2020.
  4. Chinkrindi V. Kanaka Sarath, K. Ashok Kumar, N. Lingeshwaran, S. Vigneshkannan, S. Pratheba, “Study on Analysis and Design of a Multi – storey buildings with a single column using STAAD -Pro”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol 33, Issue P1, Pg 728-731, 2020.
  5. Pratheba, V. Johnpaul and N Balasundaram, “Study on Environmental Contamination and Assessment of the Impact of Municipal Solid Waste on Soil at the Vellalore Dumping Yard, Coimbatore City”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Dec 2020.

Guest Lectures

  1. M. Sumesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE – Delivered Lecture Series (Invited Talk) on “Microstructure Characteristics of Cement and Concrete Composites” for PhD students in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia from 13th Nov to 23rd Nov, 2020.
  2. Guest lecture on Estimating the quantity of RCC Structures by K.Mohandas, HoD & Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ashoka Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad on 30.09.2020
  3. .S.Pratheba, Assistant Professor organized the Guest Lecture on “Hydrology and Water Resources” Dr. KB. Srinivasan, Manager – Projects, Sreevatsa Real Estates Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India on Aug 08, 2020.
  4. Solai Mathi, Assistant professor organized the Guest Lecture on “Advanced Solid Mechanics” by Mr.N.Chidambaram, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, J.J. College of Engineering and Technology, Tiruchirappalli on Feb 01, 2020.
  5. M. Sumesh, organized a Guest Lecture on “Ground Improvement Techniques” by M. Samuel Thanaraj, Nehru Group of Institution, Coimbatore on Jan 24, 2020.
  6. P. Preethi, Assistant professor organized the Guest Lecture on “Advanced Structural Analysis” by Mr.S.Aravind, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on Jan 20, 2020.
  7. Endowment Lecture on conservation of Water Resources in Modern Society by Mr. K. Kalidasan President, Osai Environmental Organisation Coimbatore on June 19, 2019.
  8. Guest lecture on “Ground Improvement Techniques” by Dr R Kuberan on February 18, 2019.
  9. Guest Lecture on “Concrete Technology” by B.Srinvasan, Project Manager, Sreevatsa Real Estate Pvt. Ltd on December 20, 2018.
  10. Guest lecture on “Swachh Bharat” by Shri.Kana Ram Godha, Senior Manager, Sanitation & Livelihoods, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, New Delhi on September 04, 2018.
  11. Guest lecture on “Design of RC Structures” by Dr.P.Vinayagam Senior Grade on August 24, 2018.
  12. Guest lecture on “Surveying and Total Station” by E.D.Vishwanath on July 27, 2018.
  13. Guest Lecture on “Soil Sampling Techniques” by S.Elaiyaraja Professor on July 13, 2018.
  14. Guest Lecture on Carrier Guidance & Entrepreneurship by Mega Bharathi on July 11, 2018.
  15. Construction Management & Techniques by Mr.B.Srinivasan, Project Manager Sreevatsa Construction, Coimbatore on July 12, 2017.
  16. Green Building Concepts by Mr.B.Srinivasan, Project Manager / Sreevatsa Construction, Coimbatore on February 27, 2017.
  17. Environmental Engineering –I by Elangovan & Superintend Engineering / PWD Aliyar Dam on October 04, 2016.
  18. Prestressed Concrete by Dr.V.G.Srisanthi & Associate Professor / Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on August 24, 2016.
  19. Non-destructive technique Practices by Mr.B,Lawrence, CEO/A+CADD Center on January 04, 2016.

Webinar / Career Guidance / Workshops / Hands on Training Organized

  1. Sindhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE organized a Skill Development on Building Valuation by Er. M. Adaikkalavan on 01.2021
  2. M. Sumesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE organized a Webinar on “Field Testing of Construction Materials” by Dr. V. Karthik, M.E, PhD, Structural Consultant, V.A. Construction, Allivilla Group of Engineers, Salem – 636 007, Tamilnadu, India on Dec 17, 2020.
  3. M. Sumesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE organized a Webinar on “Key Challenges and Career Opportunities for Civil Engineers” by Dr. E. D. Viswanath, Ph.D, CEO, Crea Infrastructure, Salem – 636 001, Tamilnadu, India on Dec 12, 2020.
  4. P.Preethi, Assistant Professor, organised a Soft Skill Development Program on Etiquettes and mannerisms for successful career for the Civil Engineering students on 2nd November 2020.M.R. Vanithamani, Professor & Director, Faculty of Management Studies, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore was invited as the resource person.
  5. M. Sumesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE organized a Competitive coaching on “Government Norms for Properties” by Dr. J. Sankar M.E (Struct)., Ph.D, The Proprietor, Surrya Builders, Salem – 636007, Tamilnadu, India on Oct 27, 2020.
  6. M. Sumesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE organized a Skill development program on “Basic Concept and Applications of Vastu in Construction” by Er. P. Sivakumar M.E (Struct)., (Ph.D), Managing Director, Tamilnad Constructions, Karur, Tamilnadu, India on Oct 22, 2020.
  7. P.Preethi, Assistant Professor, organised a Career Guidance Program on Scope for upcoming Civil Engineers in valuation on 8th October 2020.T.V. Arul Prakash, Proprietor, Chartered Engineer, Registered Valuer, A.P Associates was invited as the resource person.
  8. Sindhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE organized a Endowment Lecture on ‘Entrepreneurship Development in Civil Engineering’ by Dr. Karthik, M.E, PhD,Managing Partner, Sri Murugan Sand, Salem – 636015, Tamilnadu, India on Sep 15, 2020.
  9. P.Preethi, Assistant Professor, organised a National Level Technical Webinar on BIM concepts in construction 26th June 2020. M.Vasanth Kumar Managing Director, Thiranz Tech Solutions was invited as the resource person.
  10. Sumesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KAHE organized a Skill development program on “Creating a Floor Plan in Layout and Interior Design with SketchUP 2021” by Mr. R. Ramesh Babu, Civil Technical Head, Thiranz Tech Solutions, Malumichampatti, Coimbatore on Feb 08, 2021.
  11. S.Pratheba, Assistant Professor organized the Webinar on “Introduction to Project Management using Primavera” on Ms. Suganya Sekar, (PMP) Manager – Delivery and Services, Infinity PMC Solutions Pvt Ltd.7/380, Kamarajar salai, Kovilambakkam, Chennai – 600129, India on Jan 27, 2020.
  12. Pratheba, Assistant Professor organized the  Career Guidance Program on “Entrepreneurship development in Civil Engineering Sectors” by Er. Sudhan Nayak Raj, Managing Director, Olive Green Construction, Coimbatore on Jan 18, 2020.
  13. Skill Development on “Vasthu Sasthra and Total Station” by Er.J.Shankar, Consultant Suriya Builders, Salem on July 16, 2018.
  14. Guideline to prepare GATE exam by Gate Academy Members\ GATE Academy- Coimbatore on February 08, 2017.
  15. To create awareness among the students regarding the use of software’s in Civil Engineering Field by Civil Engineering Software – AUTOCADD, C-CUBE TECHNOLOGY on July 20, 2017.
  16. Practical Demo on SPT Test by Dr.R.Venkatasubramani, Professor & Head/MCET, Pollachi on September 06, 2017.
  17. STAAD Pro (Design software) by Mr. M. Anandapadmanabhan, Civil Engineer / Manika Sundaram Associates, Coimbatore, from February 20, 2017 to February 22, 2017.
  18. Career guidance and personality development by Mr.P.Anjesh, PSG College of Technology Coimbatore on January 25, 2016.
  19. To give practical exposure on basics of solid mechanics by Mr.Karthik, Assistant Professor, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology on January 22, 2017.

National Conference

  1. Department of Civil Engineering Organized 9thNational Conference on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” on 5th March 2020. Dr. S. Senthil Kumar, Professor, KSR College of engineering and Technology was the Chief Guest.
  2. Department of Civil Engineering Organized 8th National Conference on “Recent Trends in Civil Engineering” on 20thMarch 2019. Dr. G. S. Thirugnanam, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Builders Engineering College, Erode was the Chief Guest.
  3. Department of Civil Engineering Organized 7th National Conference on “Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering (RACE-2k18)” on 15thMarch 2018. The Chief Guest of the conference was Dr. V. Rajkumar, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Salem.
  4. Department of Civil Engineering Organized 6th National Conference on “Research & Innovation in Civil Engineering (ncRICE-2k17)” on 17thMarch 2017. Dr. N. Kottiswaran, Principal, INFO Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore was the Chief Guest.
  5. Department of Civil Engineering Organized 5th National Conference on “Innovations in Civil Engineering” on 12thMarch 2016. The Chief Guest of the conference was Dr. R. Thenmozhi & Mr. G.L. Sathyamoorthy. PG students and research scholars share their research ideas and present it.
  6. Department of Civil Engineering Organized 4th National Conference on “Advanced Techniques in Civil Engineering (NCATCE-2015)” on 10thMarch 2015. Dr. G. Prince Arulraj, Professor and Dean of Civil Engineering, S.N.S. College of Technology, Coimbatore was the Chief Guest.

Technical Symposium

  1. National level technical symposium “EGSOW’20” on 18th February 2020. Dr.P. Vinayagam, Professor, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore was invited as the resource person.
  2. National level technical symposium “EGSOW’19” on 22nd February 2019. Er.S.Sivalingam, Deputy Chief Engineer, Coimbatore was invited as the resource person.
  3. National level technical symposium “EGSOW’18” on 16th February 2018. Mr.V.Ganeshan, IFS, Chief Conservator of Forest & Field Director, Anamalai Tiger Reserve, Pollachi, Coimbatore was invited as the resource person.
  4. National level technical symposium “EGSOW’17” on 20th February 2017. Dr. A. Sudhakar, Chief Consultant, Dimensions Coimbatore was invited as the resource person.
  5. Conducted National level technical symposium “EGSOW’16” on 17th February 2016. Dr.G.S.Thirugnanam, Professor & Head of the Department, Civil Engineering, Institute of Road and Transport Technology was invited as the resource person