Cracking Competitive Exam like a Pro | Preparation for any Competitive Examination

Rev Cracking that competitive exam

Competitive exams are hard every year in India. When it comes to competitive exams, everyone is in top gear and no rock is left unturned in order to get into the aspired job. But there are only thousands of seats open for millions of people. In order to achieve excellence among their competitors they’ve to edge them out for everything they’ve got. These exams are a promise for several youngsters looking for job stability and good income. For others it gives them a chance to be a part of the administrative machinery, through which they would like to dish out changes. So if you’re preparing for competitive exams, then why not try these following tips:

Study Smart and not hard

We know the people, who always spend their time studying. Rote learning doesn’t help in competitive exam environment. These exams require you to understand the concepts beside each question and their answers. Ditching the traditional rote learning, you’ve to adapt yourself into a dynamic environment as the question and answers no longer have a simple 1+2=3 solution. Instead you’ll have to delve into logical reasoning of why 1+2=3 and how you came up with it. So better be prepared to take any question
from any side and keep your eyes wide open for details.

Scheduling is a must

It isn’t no longer school and scheduling for the topics is a must. For all those easy topics, string them together and have a dedicated hour or two, to cover these subjects. For the harder subjects, cut out blocks and chunks of time with short breaks for rest and revision, so you can revaluate on what you’ve learnt. Also schedule an end of the day relearning session where you revise everything with a small synopsis in order to keep what you learnt the entire day in your mind.

Rule out unnecessary content.

When you read, you’ll be going through the explanations given in the entire textbook. Just to keep a track on the important points, have a rough note-book where you jot down only relevant points and throw out unnecessary words. This helps you to cut-down on the number of pages you’ve to go through before entering the examination hall. This method is very useful as you can re-read easily during revision and get through it fast, so you can focus on the next subject for the exam

Using E-Tutors instead of Coaching Classes

Coaching classes are good in their own way but if you’re someone who loves to study at their own time, then sites like Unacademy, Udemy etc. are your best choices. Coaching classes are for people who can afford to spend time close to 6 hours for studying, whereas if you’re working and would like to write the exam at the same time, it’s better to do it via an e-tutor. There are several programs out there that will help you learn the basic concepts of the exams. E-tutoring soft wares also help you keep track of what you’re studying along with your progress in the subject.

Sitting for mock tests

Mock tests are a great way to know your progress in learning. You can create an environment by solving previous year’s question paper or else you can sit for a mock test that is provided by an agency. The more you do this, the easier it will be to track your progress in learning. It will also help you predict your early scores and help you plan accordingly for the exam day.

Taking rest

As much as studying is important, taking rest also is an equal part of it. A week before the exam, slow down on the prep and focus on resting as you need to be all rejuvenated before the exam day.

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education is one of the top colleges in Coimbatore for Arts and Science. We’ve top infrastructure, modern facilities and an upgraded learning system to keep students interested.

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