Getting ready for your Rookie Orientation | Rookie Orientation

Rev Getting ready for your rookie orientation

You’re going to be a freshman (frosh in Canada) and you’re about to hit the road for your rookie orientation program. You’re nervous and you don’t know what to do. And let me tell you, we’ve all been there. First time getting into a college, nothing we know; it feels like we’re being born again. You will feel like you’ve never been to this place before and all you’re thinking is, had I known this before? I wouldn’t have missed this or that. That’s why we’re here to help. After researching from a lot of seniors who were once freshmen in college, we’ve compiled a list of things you need to do in your freshman orientation to make it a smooth experience.

Be clear, concise when it comes to asking questions
Asking questions will be the most important part of the orientation program. Because you’re going to spend your next three or five years in this place and it will be nothing less than your home, so be sure you ask questions. Ask them if there’s elective subjects your major requires you to complete, or if there’s a washroom attached to your room, ask them is there laundry available etc.

Get to know people
You’ll be attending your orientation program with others who might be attending classes alongside you. So, go out there chap and have a great chat with other people and make friends rather than coiling yourself up in the corner. You never know, you might get a chance to meet your life long buddy here!

Wear something comfortable
Remember you’re going to be walking a lot around the campus. Those high heels you probably decided you should be wearing for special occasion has not come yet. If you’re planning to wear something really uncomfortable, ditch the plan. There’s so much to do on the day and if you’re uncomfortable, you won’t be able to enjoy enough.

Get into the excitement
The orientation day is not just about knowing your classes, teachers and professors. It’s also about getting into a sheet of excitement that your seniors have planned for you. There will be festivities, programs, food and a bunch of carnivals to get you comfortable with this family.

Get ready for stay
Some orientation programs in certain colleges require you to stay back in the hostel. Pack your bag with a sheet, small pillow and anything that helps you get comfortable during the night. This stay will also help you get accustomed to the residential facilities inside the campus, based on this choose whether you want to stay inside the campus or stay some place outside. So remember jot these points down before hitting the orientation.

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education is one of the top colleges in Coimbatore for Arts and Science. We’ve top infrastructure, modern facilities and an upgraded learning system to keep students interested. As a student you might be tempted to show off your antics. We hope you enjoy your life in college but at the same time do not cause harm to others.


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