Imagine you have to prepare for a test that is scheduled the next day but you plan to study after finishing that one interesting episode from your favorite series. If you have done this, then you can understand what exactly procrastination means. We all have 
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The demand for sustainable energy sources is increasing across various fields, and mechanical engineering plays an important role in renewable energy sources. As the world faces various challenges like pandemics, climate change, etc., the need for renewable energy sources increases. To develop, integrate, and optimize 
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Artificial intelligence has become a major force in the creation of new medical treatments in recent years. Traditional laboratory techniques have shown to be dependable, but the current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for more innovation. The process of finding new drugs is usually 
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Many people suffer from procrastination in their daily lives. A lack of a clear goal or direction is typically the reason why people tend to procrastinate. Learn how to beat procrastination and create a to-do list to prioritize your work and increase productivity. Tasks can 
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College life is definitely an exciting chapter of life to discover ourselves and grow as a better person. But it also comes with its own challenges especially when it comes to mental health. The sudden transition from school to college life can be both overwhelming 
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Food is more than just a meal – it’s an opportunity to make a positive impact on our planet. That’s where food technology comes in! In this blog, we delve into a journey exploring the ingenious ways food technology is reducing waste, revolutionizing sourcing, introducing 
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Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering with high demand even in this digital age. It has been a pioneer in various innovations and technical advancements. Being one of the oldest and broadest fields of engineering, Mechanical Engineering offers a wide range 
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It can be challenging for college students to manage their schedules, social lives, and self-care at the same time. Taking care of yourself is sometimes the last thing we prioritize. One important factor that frequently suffers in the shuffle is mental health. Often, we find 
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The principles of biomedical engineering are applicable to the design of new healthcare products, which are essential for the development of devices. The devices are in the form of medical or drug delivery devices as they grow complex, which requires biomedical and mechanical engineering to 
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Today, Mechanical Engineers make a significant impact on the growth of environmental technologies that include carbon reduction, and electric and energy transportation. Mechanical Engineering colleges in Coimbatore, India ensure that engineers learn and create an impact on the environment which is far beyond technology and 
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