Types of Social Media Platforms & What’s Right for You

What's The Right Social Media Platform for You

Nowadays, social media and technology are integral parts of our daily lives. The use of social media by school and college students is very different from the use of social media by businesses. It helps to reach the students by sharing announcements about holding live lectures or workshops, updates or news regarding their education, and much more.

Social media is a direct communication tool between students, teachers, and parents, who can log in to find a solution or raise a query. It’s essential to know how top colleges in Coimbatore can make use of the social media in education that helps students advance and use technology. Let’s discuss the types of social media that are right for students in education.

FIVE Types of social media platforms in education

Students who are pursuing their degrees can take advantage of social media platforms that will help them in the future.

Facebook and Instagram to get Updates and Alerts.

Facebook is the perfect platform to connect with students. There are a lot of online webinars now to help students improve their knowledge and get a sense of the future behind their dreams.

  • It’s easy for the students to follow the Facebook page or Instagram page to get class or seminar updates on their major. Encourage people who are in desperate need of this type of knowledge-sharing session and can share their experiences in the comments to grow together.
  • These social media platforms help people know about upcoming college events or competitions and encourage students who are interested to enthusiastically participate. It is beneficial to acknowledge the events and avoid worrying about not informing ahead of time.
  • Additionally, using these platforms, students can discuss, forward, or assign homework or assignments that are simple for both students and teachers to acknowledge.

The fact is that deemed universities in Coimbatore for Engineeringand institutions in India already follow such practices to connect with students and help them to explore & learn.

 Create Blog Posts as Essays for Discussions.

Writing blogs gives students an idea about how digital content can easily link back to social channels. It is easy and helpful for the students to create a blog post on their own to make discussion posts or comments on the class prompts. Students can easily share assignments, updates, and resources on a blog to help them to keep track of the course syllabus.

Make the assignment as informal and loosely structured as you can by giving them weekly prompts to react to. Don’t feel as though this use of social media in education is only applicable to English or writing classes; it can be applied to other academic areas.

Make or Watch a How-to Video to Understand Easier.

It is always one step easier when you watch the video to get a better understanding of your major. Nowadays, online video sessions and recordings help students to understand and view at any time, anywhere.

It is in practice as most of the staff/experts in the best science college in Coimbatore create a video relating to their major where the students can learn when they miss the class.

Also, you can watch the field experts’ and current updates’ videos, which help you understand the concept way easier. Secondly, it helps the college and students show their real talent to the world through YouTube videos during competitions or any other cultural or college events

Pinterest Boards Help to Study Later.

For each of their classes, instructors can make Pinterest boards where they can save pins that are significant to the sessions.

Teachers may create and organise resources, lesson plans, and worksheets for their courses in one location using Pinterest, a great social networking tool. Make boards for each class or subject, then make sub-topic boards for each week’s lesson or for all the worksheets. When it’s time to write, students can refer to a board on which they have pinned webpages, books, or videos on a certain subject.

Build a Portfolio and Useful for Research Careers.

Educational researchers believe that social media is one of the alternative forms of literacy and that students should and/or might consider these platforms to be a part of their overall digital presence.

LinkedIn and Twitter assist students in connecting with people in the real world with whom they may exchange opinions. If you log in to LinkedIn and transmit signals to the officials, it will assist you in finding upcoming professional prospects. You ought to build a solid portfolio before that.


Different social media platforms exist for a range of requirements and societal objectives. However, education or business helps to reach the desired audience and accomplish the purpose. It is always better if you have limited usage and are useful if you don’t get distracted from the real purpose of using these platforms. Plan what works for you and try to work on various social media platforms to see which works best for your education.

Social media platforms have become popular among the top arts and science colleges across India in recent years. It helps the students to be aware, acknowledge, learn, and grow effectively.

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