How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus Second Wave | Covid Vaccines


The second wave of the coronavirus pandemic is here. Now, if you are thinking, what is a second wave? You can think of it just like sea waves. The number of Covid- 19 infections go up and then come back down again – each cycle is considered as one wave of coronavirus. KAHE, the Top College in Coimbatore advises staying home, stay safe & focus on studies for a promising career up ahead.

Union Health Ministry data which was updated on Monday says that there were 46,951 cases of Covid-19 in the last 24 hours which was the highest daily rise of 2021. It’s been 12 consecutive days since the cases are rising even faster than the number of recoveries. The active Covid-19 cases are around 3.34 lakh in this country.

According to the reports, Maharashtra and Delhi are in the top eight states which have had the highest number of cases over the past week. Punjab, Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra have 80% of the new coronavirus cases. Though, according to the reports, around 4.5 crore people have been vaccinated so far.

Among all these vaccination drives and the fresh cases in Covid-19, is there any way you’re keeping yourself safe? Following are some tips that KAHE, Top Bio-Technology Colleges in India advises you to follow to keep yourself protected from catching and spreading the virus.

How to protect yourself and others

Ways you can follow to prevent catching and spreading the virus.

1. Get Covid- 19 vaccine

You have no clue how can Covid 19 affects you because it has some serious and life-threatening complications. It’s advised to take the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as possible to keep yourself protected.

2. Wear a mask

To filter one should wear a mask as it helps to prevent capturing the droplets and particles we expel. By wearing a mask you can protect not only yourself but also others. According to the government guidelines, every one of 2 years and above should wear masks in public. KAHE, Best Science College in Coimbatore requests people to stay at least 6 feet apart even when they wear masks, especially near people who don’t live with you.

  • One should wash hands or use a sanitiser before wearing a mask.
  • A mask should be worn in such a way that it should cover your nose and mouth and secure it under the chin while taking care that you can breathe easily.
  • After removing the mask one should handle it only by ear loops or ties and store it safely to keep it clean between uses. In case of someone being Covid-19 positive, you should wear the face mask inside your home too.

3. Main distance: Stay 6 feet away

You should maintain some distance from the person who’s sick in the house. There should be at least 6 feet distance between the ill person and you. And when you’re outside home even then you should keep a distance of 6 feet because you never know who’s carrying the virus unknowingly and it could spread to you.

4. Stay safe: Avoid crowds

The best way to avoid the Corona situation is to avoid going to crowded places like bars, restaurants, fitness centres and movie theatres. There’s a high risk of Covid-19 in crowded places. If you’re going somewhere indoor then you should check the ventilation system and if it’s poor then the best thing is to avoid going to that place. Stay at home, especially if you are a student since you can study at flexible timings and look forward to joining KAHE, the Best EEE College in India.

5. Keep your hands clean

As we know that we touch hundreds of surfaces in a day and all these places contain different types of germs. So to avoid all these germs staying in your hands you should always keep your hands clean by washing.

Always remember that Coronavirus can easily spread from surfaces and other people.

  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, and nose with dirty or unwashed hands.
  • Don’t cook or eat food and drinks without washing your hands.

When is it important to wash hands?

It’s mainly important to wash:

  • Before and after having food
  • Before cooking food
  • Before touching your mouth, nose and eyes
  • After using the washroom
  • After removing your mask
  • After touching animals or pets

Except all these things keep your surface like tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, phones, keyboards, etc clean and keep disinfecting them frequently.

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