7 Suggestions For Getting A Good Job During Campus Placements


So, are you nervous or happy? The reason why we are asking this question is that the most exciting and stressful time of your campus life at KAHE, the top college in Coimbatore, is here. When the placement season begins, discussions about jobs and the future seem to take up the majority of your time; you know you have to be on your toes.

It could take a drive emotionally on you once companies, shortlists and interviews don’t pan out the way you want and there is the added pressure of expectations and maybe a student loan. The right plan of movement here is to move structurally.

Let’s see how you can tackle this: 

1. Get sorted with your requirements

I understand the herd mentality better. If you are on a management campus, a large percentage of your colleagues may be talking about consulting jobs or the hottest start-up that is hiring. Most of them have no clues or realistic criteria for their choice. But you have to take time for yourself and know what you need once your studies at KAHE, the best college for electronics and communication systems in Coimbatore, are completed. These questions might include: What kind of a person are you? Are you energised by working with people or alone? Are you likely to enjoy the work content, travel, and lifestyle that a role offers?

2. Smart time management

You would have surely made the choice of career you want to go into, so now after completing graduation from KAHE, the top IT college in Coimbatore, all you need to do is decide on the best actions to get there. If you are moving towards coding, you should look to always learn, practice and be in the competition for coding to crack you selection.

3. Get to know your campus well.

Every individual campus is built on an elaborative system, and the same is the case with, a top engineering college in Coimbatore. It comes with processes and rules that dictate what you can and cannot do in different situations. Understand this game thoroughly. Ask yourself questions such as attending presentations and the penalties attached for missing the same. Know the limitations and how many companies you are eligible for? You can skip applying for the ones that doesn’t look much fancier as per your expectations. 

4. Build an impressive CV and stand out.

Anybody who says a CV isn’t important doesn’t know the reality since you have to keep aside a huge chunk of time for writing, revising, and re-writing your resume. Start immediately. Begin with the format that good universities provide you, such as at, a top IT college in Coimbatore. Also, do research on different CVs for students and pick a low-risk professional format to craft your resume. The only role of CV is to make you shortlisted for the role itself. 

5. Conduct research for your company.

To know the best of any company, you have to ask the right questions. Which companies are you interested in, out of those visiting your campus at KAHE, Best CA College? What are their selection processes in terms of tests, interviews, case interviews, group discussions, psychometric tests, cover letters, statements of purpose, etc? What are the stages involved in the shortlisting and what offers you’ll get. 

6. Perform admirably in your interview.

In the end, it all depends on your performance in the interview that will bag you the job – or not. Begin with a long list of questions culled from the Internet, placement office resources and campus seniors. Start by jotting down points against each and then begin with mock interview practice.

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