Paper publications by the Faculty Members
Best Five Papers Faculty wise:
1. Revolutionizing breast ultrasound diagnostics with EfficientNet-B7 and Explainable AI, BMC Medical Imaging,2024
2. Cloud and Edge Computing Security Using Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Techniques, The Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Techniques for Cybersecurity,2024
3. Empowering Patient Care: A Novel Patient Drug Recommendation System Using Artificial Intelligence with Modified Learning Strategy, International Conference on Computing and Data Science (ICCDS),2024
4. A Federated Consensus for Proof of Authority in IOT-Blockchain Applications, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication,2023
5. Handle the Sybil Attack Using Hash Technique in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability, 2023
1. âThe Enhanced Security Scheme for Network Protection against Attacks Using Improved Mean Field GAME Theory (IMFGT) in MANET, International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences ,2016
2. Techniques on text mining, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies, 2012
3. Data mining: Performance improvement in education sector using classification and clustering algorithm,International conference on computing and control engineering , 2012
4. Criminals and crime hotspot detection using data mining algorithms: clustering and classification,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology,2012
1. Intelligent Segmentor: Self Supervised Deep Learning based Multi Organ and Tumor Segmentation with Pseudo Lables Generation from CT Images,Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things, 77-7-89,2025
2. Soft Tissue Tumour Diagnosis Using Machine Learning: A Comparison of Hybrid Algorithm,Transactions on Federated Engineering and Systems 1 (1), 27-36,2023
3. Enhanced Stroke Prediction through Recursive Feature Elimination and Cross-Validation in Machine Learning,8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems ,2023
4. IoT-based patient stretcher movement simulation in smart hospital using type-2 fuzzy sets systems, Production Planning & Control, 1-16,2023
5. A novel ransomware virus detection technique using machine and deep learning methods,7th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control , 2023
1. Deep learning based plant diseases monitoring and detection system,International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data,2023
2. Agricultural-based Food Visibility and Traceability System using Blockchain Technologies,8th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems,2023
1. Leaf disease identification using ResNet, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge,2023
2. An Enhanced Framework for Disaster-Related Tweet Classification using Machine Learning Techniques,International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies,2023
3. Crop Yield Identification Using CNN, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge,2023
4. An Efficient Approach of NER in Social Media using BiLSTM-CRF Model, International Conference on I-SMAC,2023