National Cadet Corps
The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its Head Quarters at New Delhi. It is open to school and college students voluntarily. The National Cadet Corps in India is a voluntary organization that recruits cadets from high schools, colleges, and Universities all over India. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades. The officers and cadets have no liability for active military service once they complete their course but are given preference over standard candidates during selections based on the corps’ achievements.
Motto of NCC
- Unity and Discipline (Ekta aur Anushasan)
DG’s four Cardinal Principals of Discipline
- Obey with a smile
- Be Punctual
- Work hard and without fuss
- Make no excuses and tell no lies
Aims of NCC
- To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizen.
- To create a human resource of organised trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life including the Armed Forces and be always available for the service of the Nation.
“I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my motherland most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Crops. Further under the command and control of my commanding officer I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly”.
We the cadet of the national cadet corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be a disciplined and responsible citizen of our Nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings.
NCC History
The NCC in India was formed with the National Cadet Corps Act of 1948. It was raised on 15 July 1948. The National Cadet Corps can be considered a successor of the University Officers Training Corps (UOTC) established by the British in 1942. During World War II, the UOTC never came up to the expectations set by the British. This led to the idea that some better schemes should be formed, which could train more young men in a better way, even during peace times. A committee headed by Pandit H.N. Kunzru recommended a cadet organization to be established in schools and colleges at a national level. The Governor-General accepted the National Cadet Corps Act, and on 15 July 1948, the National Cadet Corps came into existence.
During the 1965 and 1971 wars with Pakistan, NCC cadets were the second line of defense. They organized camps to assist the ordinance factories, supplied arms and ammunition to the front, and were used as patrol parties to capture the enemy paratroopers. The NCC cadets also worked for hand in hand with the Civil Defence authorities and actively took part in rescue work and traffic control. After the 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars, the NCC syllabus was revised. Rather than just being the second line of defense, the NCC syllabus laid tremendous stress on developing leadership qualities and Officer-like qualities. The military training which the NCC cadets received was reduced, and greater importance was given to other areas like social service and youth-management.
NCC Organisation
A Director-General heads the National Cadet Corps, an Army Officer of Lieutenant General’s rank, responsible for the National Cadet Corps’ functioning in the country through the National Cadet Corps Headquarters, Delhi. At the State Level, the country has been divided into 17 Directorates covering all States and Union Territories. Each of the State National Cadet Corps Directorate Headquarters controls two to fourteen Group Headquarters. While Brigadiers or their equivalents command directorates, the Groups are commanded by Colonels or equivalents from the Air Force and the Navy. NCC Units are commanded by Major/Lieutenant Colonel or their equivalents.

NCC Flag

NCC Flag Contains NCC Crest in gold in the middle, with the letters “NCC” encircled by a wreath of seventeen lotus with a background in Red, Blue, and Light blue. Red depicts the Army, Deep Blue depicts the Navy, and Light Blue depicts the Air Force. The seventeen lotuses represent the 17 State Directorates. “Unity of Discipline” (Ekta aur Anushasan) is written at the NCC Flag’s bottom.
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Ranks in Senior Division/Wing NCC

All others who joined NCC are commonly called Cadets.
Equivalent Ranks in Senior Division NCC
Army Wing |
Naval Wing |
Airwing |
Senior Under Officer |
Senior Cadet Caption |
Senior Under Officer |
Cadet Under Officer |
Junior Cadet Caption |
Cadet Under Officer |
Company Quarter Master Sergeant |
Petty Officer Sergeant Major |
Warrant Officer |
Sergeant |
Leader Cadet |
Sergeant |
Corporal |
Cadet Class I |
Corporal |
Lance Corporal |
Cadet Class II |
Leading Flight Cadet |
Cadet |
Cadet |
Cadet |
NCC Training
Drill, shooting, Physical fitness, map reading, First aid, Gliding/Flying, boat pulling, sailing, and camp training are covering basic military training in Army, Navy, and Air Force.
This training is mostly carried out in schools and colleges by the cadets. Besides, depending upon the type of service, basic knowledge of that service is imparted to the cadets, e.g., gliding, powered flying for Air Wing cadets and boat pulling, sailing for Naval Wing cadets form part of institutional training. These activities comprise approximately 50% of the entire syllabus.
This is the essential aspect of NCC Trg and emphasizes institutional trg to be given. State DDG’s to issue comprehensive instructions on organizing the Institutional Trg at Gp / Unit level.
Following actions will be taken to improve the standard of trg.
- Optimum utilization of PI Staff for Trg.
- Greater involvement of Officers, WTLO’s, and ANO’s.
- Deficiencies in trg aids will be made up expeditiously.
Basic institutional Training
Cadets must be made to understand the aim and purpose of teaching drills so that they are suitably motivated and do not take it as “fatigue.” Emphasis will be laid on correct bearing, marching, saluting, and arms drill. Inter-squad competitions may be organized to create interest.
Weapon Training
Cadets generally take a keen interest in weapon training and firing. Units must liaise with nearby Service and Para-Military Units to ensure that all cadets get an opportunity to fire their authorized ammunition. Use of firing simulators may be made to optimize trg efforts where possible.
Adventure Training
Adventure activities have been incorporated in NCC training to inculcate and strengthen leadership traits amongst the cadets. These activities in NCC can be broadly divided into the following.
1.Land based – Mountaineering, Rock Climbing, Trekking.
2.Water based – Sailing Expedition, White Water Rafting, Scuba Diving, River Crossing.
3.Air based – Parasailing.
Centrally Organized Camps
Leadership Camp
Vayu Sainik Camp
Nau Sainik Camp
Rock Climbing Camp
Trekking camp
National Integration Camp (NIC)
Thal Sainik Camp (TSC)
Army Attachment Camp (AAC)
Airforce Attachment Camp (AAC)
Republic Day Camp (RDC)
Annual Training Camp(ATC)
Youth exchange program
This is a significant activity. It is done to increase international understanding and bolster awareness. These exchanges are done with the NCC community of 10 countries, namely Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Maldives, Nepal, Singapore, UK, Russia, and Vietnam at an international level.
NCC Social Service Activities
NCC has adopted community development activities to imbibing amongst cadets selfless service to the community, dignity of labor importance of self-help, need to protect the environment, and assist weaker sections of the society in their upliftment. This was envisaged through programs involving
Tree plantation
Blood donation
Anti Dowry Rally
Anti Female Infanticide Pledge
Anti Leprosy Drive
AIDS Awareness Rally
Visit Old Age Homes
Slum clearance
Disaster Management & Relief
Village upliftment and various other social schemes.
Certification Programme
This HQ has issued the eligibility conditions and the general procedure for the Certificate Examination for Cadets of Senior and Junior Division/Wings NCC(All Wings) from time to time. This Directive aims to consolidate all such instruction and revise these, where necessary.
Type of Examination
The type of Certificate Examination and the unit in which these are held are given below
Type of Certificate |
NCC Unit |
Certificate ‘A’ |
Junior Division/Wing NCC |
Certificate’ B’ & ‘C’ |
Senior Division/Wing NCC |
Eligibilities for Certificate Examination
For “A” Certificate Examination(Junior Division)
Must be in the Second year of NCC
Must have attended an Annual Training Camp
The candidate must have attended a minimum of 75% of total Training periods laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years of Junior Division/Wing NCC(All wings)
Break in the NCC Service of the cadet before he appears. In the examination ‘should not exceed more than 12 months at one time, to count his previous service. In case the break exceeds 12 months, the following procedure will be adopted
“If he has been on the unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total period during his NCC Service, he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for a certificate ‘A’ examination. In all other cases where the above conditions are not fulfilled, the cadet must attend a minimum of 75% periods of the first and second year of training”.
For “B” Certificate Examination(Senior Division)
the Cadet must be in the second year of SD/SW NCC Training
Must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC/Attachment training with regular Army, Navy, Air Force Units.
Cadets possessing an ‘A’ Certificate will be awarded 10 bonus marks.
The cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of the syllabus’s total training period for the first and second years for Senior Division Wing NCC (All Wings). Break in the NCC service of the cadet SD/SE before appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after his discharge, to count his service for Certificate ‘B’ Examination. In case the break exceeds 18 months, the following procedure will be adopted.
“If he had been on the unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total periods during his NCC service, he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for certificate ‘B’ Examination. In all other cases where the above conditions are not fulfilled, the cadet must attend a minimum of 75% periods of the first and second years of training.”
An Air Wing Cadet must do a minimum of 10 Glide launches.
For “C” Certificate Examination(Senior Division)
Cadet must have passed ‘B’ certificate.
The Cadet must be in the second/third year of SD/SW NCC Training
The Cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of the periods of the 3rd-year syllabus during the academic session.
Break in the NCC Service of the SD/SW Cadet before appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after his discharge, to count his previous service for Certificate ‘C’ examination. In case the break exceeds 18 months, the following procedure will be adopted
“If he had been on the Unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total period during his NCC service, he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for Certificate ‘C’ examination. In all other cases where the above conditions are not fulfilled, the Cadet must attend a minimum of 75% periods of the first and second year of training.”
Must have attended two camps.
Permission to Appear in Certificate Examination after Discharge
Cadets who ceased to be on rolls of NCC may be permitted to appear for a certificate ‘A’ Examination for Junior Division/Wing and ‘B’ & “C” for Senior Division/Wing NCC at their expenses within 12 months of their discharge from the NCC, provided they were otherwise eligible at the time of their discharge.
The ex-cadet so eligible can appear for the examination at any place in India by applying for the same, alongside with discharge certificate, to Local Unit Commander. The Group Commander is empowered to accept such requests from the ex-cadets.
Re-Test for Improvement of Grading: ‘C’ Certificate
To give Cadets a chance to apply for the NCC Special Entry Scheme, in case their grading improves, it has been ruled that Cadets who have obtained a ‘C’ grading in NCC’ C’ Certificate Exam and who wish to improve their grading will be allowed to appear for a re-test. Only one re-test will be allowed. Cadets will have to re-appear incomplete examination. A re-test will be held along with new cases next year. During the period, these Cadets may attend at least two weeks’ Special Parade/Coaching classes to be organized by units after the academic session. Those Cadets who do not attend the Special Parade/Classes will also be eligible to appear in the re-test. No refreshment or other allowance will be admissible for these classes/parade/re-test.
Scholarship for NCC Cadets
Annual Sahara Scholarship
The Sahara Group has instituted an annual Sahara scholarship scheme of Rs. 1 Crore to be given out as scholarships per annum to NCC cadets.
JD and JW |
Rs.6,000/- each |
SD and SW |
Rs. 12,000/- each |
Professional |
Rs.6,000/- each |
Scholarship for cadets passing Class X examination and fulfilling the laid down eligibility criteria. Two Rs 6000/- each for one year will be awarded to JD and JW cadets per NCC Group. The total number of scholarships will be 368.
The eligibility conditions for the award of scholarships are as under.
(a) Minimum 65% marks in Class VIII, IX, and X.
(b) 5% bonus marks given to SC/ST/OBC candidates.
(c) One year in NCC in 8th, 9th, or l0m class.
(d) Should have 80% attendance in NCC.
Scholarships for cadets passing 10 + 2 or equivalent examination admitted in regular graduation courses recognized by the UGC viz BA B Sc, B Com, BCA, BBA and fulfilling laid down eligibility criteria. Two scholarships of Rs 12,000/- each for one year will be awarded to SD and SW cadets per NCC Group. The total number of scholarships will be 368.
The eligibility conditions for the award of scholarships are as under.
(a) Should have passed class XII in the preceding two years.
b) Completed at least one year of NCC in SD/SW
(c) 5% bonus marks to be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates
(d) Should have 80% attendance in NCC.
(e) Should have obtained minimum following marks
(i) Science – 65%
(i) Science – 65%
(ii)Commerce – 60%
(iii) Arts – 55%
Scholarships for cadets passing 10 + 2 or equivalent examinations are admitted in professional courses recognized by the Government and UGC viz Engineering, Medical, Business Administration, Hotel Management, etc., and fulfill the laid-down eligibility criteria. Sixty-six scholarships of Rs 30,000/- each will be awarded for one year typical for Boys and Girls. Distribution of these scholarships between various States and Union Territories will be based on NCC Groups per State/ UT.
The eligibility conditions for the award of scholarships are as under.
(a) Should have passed class XII in the preceding two years.
(b) Marks of class XII to form the basis of merit.
(c) Should have done two years of NCC.
(d) Should have 80% attendance in NCC.
(e) Admitted to any of the following professional courses recognized by Govt/UGC.
(i) Engineering
(ii) Medical
(iii) Hotel Management
(iv) Business Administration
(v) Fashion Designing
(vi) Journalism
(vii) Mass Media
(viii) MBA
Scholarship from Cadets welfare society
The society grants 500 scholarships of Rs 5,000/- each to NCC Cadets who excel in academics. The vacancies are allotted to all states based on the enrolled strength of each state.
The eligibility conditions for the award of scholarships are as under
(1) Junior Division / Wing Cadets
Cadets should have passed the 10th standard or equivalent examination in the preceding academic year to which the scholarship pertains with 70% marks in aggregate. They should have undergone training for at least two full years with a minimum of 80% attendance in each year with exemplary discipline.
(2) Senior Division / Wing Cadets :
Cadets who have passed Intermediate or Senior Secondary (10 + 2 pattern) examination or Pre-Degree /PreUniversity/Second-year course of Graduate Degree Examination or Diploma Course in Polytechnic are eligible for awards. The available scholarships in each Directorate are to be equally divided between Arts / Commerce and Science Stream cadets. In case of non-utilization of scholarships by cadets from any stream, the unutilized number will be transferred to the other stream. Science stream cadets should have obtained 70% marks in aggregate, whereas Arts/Commerce Stream cadets should have obtained 60% marks. As in the case of JD/JW cadets, SD/SW cadets also should have undergone NCC training as SD/SW cadet for at least two full years continuously with a minimum of 80% attendance in each year with exemplary discipline
(3) Concession for SC / ST / OBC Cadets
Relaxation of 5% marks to the minimum laid down for each category is given. SC/ST/OBC cadets are also eligible for a bonus of 10% on the marks scored if the cadet otherwise obtains the minimum percentage as laid down.
4) Extra Concession of 5% is given to cadets belonging to J&K, North-East Region, and Sikkim.
Vacancies Reserved For NCC Cadets in Armed Forces
Indian Army |
Indian Military Academy, Dehradun |
64 |
Officers Training Academy, Chennai |
100 |
(For Short Service Commission) |
Indian Naval Academy |
6 per course |
Indian Air force academy |
10% in all courses |
Including flying training courses |
Incentives are given to cadets during recruitment in other organizations
For OR/Sailors/Airmen |
Bonus marks/weightage/preference given in the recruitment |
Para-Military Forces :
BSF/CISF/ITBP/Coastal Guard |
Bonus marks/weightage/ preference given in the recruitment |
Ministry of Telecommunications
Department of Telecommunications |
Bonus marks/weightage/ preference given in the recruitment |
NCC ‘B’/’C’ Certificate holders are considered eligible for recruitment to gazetted posts |
NCC ‘C’ certificate holders are given preference in the recruitment of Civilian Gliding Instructors/Girl Cadet Instructors/NCC Whole Time Lady Officers and Aero/Ship Modelling Instructors |
State Governments |
Preference is given to the NCC Cadets in State Government Services, including Police |
Industries |
Sahara India and many other top industries pick up NCC cadets possessing ‘C’ certificate for various jobs in their companies |
Government of Tamil Nadu |
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, while selecting candidates to the post in civil services which are under its purview, takes into consideration the NCC |
Certificates possessed by the candidates
Government of PuducherryNCC |
‘A’/’B’/’C’ certificate holders is given preference in selecting various posts in all Departments, especially in Police and Jail |
Defense Recruitment Modes
Type of Entry |
The month of Commencement of Course |
Age at Joining Time |
Educational Qualification |
Mode of Selection |
How to Apply |
National Defence Academy & Naval Academy |
Jan and Jul |
16 ½ -19 yrs |
12th standard of 10+2 system of education or equivalent |
Written Examination by UPSC and SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March/April & Oct. / Nov. |
Indian Military Academy |
Direct Entry |
Jan and Jul |
19-24yrs |
Degree or equivalent at the time of joining the course. |
Combined Defence Services Exam(CDSE) conducted by UPSC and SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March/April and Sept/ Oct. |
Engineering Graduates |
Jan and Jul |
23-27yrs |
Engineering Degree in notified disciplines |
SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March /Apr & Sept/ Oct. |
Post Graduates (AEC) |
Jan and Jul |
19-25yrs |
Post Graduate in notified Subject with 1st/2nd div. |
SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in Apr/ May. |
University Entry Scheme |
Jan and Jul |
18-24yrs |
Final and Pre-final years students of Engineering degree course. |
Campus Interview and SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in May and Nov. |
Jan and Jul |
16 ½ -19 yrs |
12th standard of 10+2 system of education or equivalent |
Written Examination by UPSC and SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March/April & Oct. / Nov. |
Indian Military Academy |
Direct Entry |
Jan and Jul |
19-24yrs |
Degree or equivalent at the time of joining the course. |
Combined Defence Services Exam(CDSE) conducted by UPSC and SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March/April and Sept/ Oct. |
Engineering Graduates |
Jan and Jul |
23-27yrs |
Engineering Degree in notified disciplines |
SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March /Apr & Sept/ Oct. |
Post Graduates (AEC) |
Jan and Jul |
19-25yrs |
Post Graduate in notified Subject with 1st/2nd div. |
SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in Apr/ May. |
University Entry Scheme |
Jan and Jul |
18-24yrs |
Final and Pre-final years students of Engineering degree course. |
Campus Interview and SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in May and Nov. |
Jan and Jul |
16 ½ -19 yrs |
10+2 pass with 70% aggregate in PCM. |
SSB Interview |
Apply directly to the Recruiting Directorate. |
Officers Training Academy |
Short Service Commission (Non-Technical) (Men and Women) |
Apr and Oct |
19-25yrs |
Degree or equivalent at the time of joining the course |
CDSE conducted by UPSC and SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March/April & Sept/ Oct |
Short Service Commission (Technical)) |
Apr and Oct |
20-27yrs |
Engineering Degree in the notified discipline. |
SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in March/April & Sept/ Oct |
NCC Special Entry |
Apr and Oct |
19-25yrs |
Graduates with 50% aggregate marks, two years service in NCC Sr. Division, with minimum ‘ B’ Grade in ‘ C’ certificate Exam. |
SSB Interview |
Apply in response to the advertisement in Dec/Jan & June/July |
Indian Navy as an Officer
Branch/ Type to Entry |
Age Limit |
Educational Qualification |
For Application Contact / See |
Types of Commission |
Executive |
Cadet Entry (NDA) |
16 1/2 – 19 yrs |
10+2 equivalent |
The formula is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
Cadet Entry 10+2 (Executive) |
16 1/2 – 19 yrs |
10+2 or Equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Math. |
The formula is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
Naval Academy |
Graduate Special entry Naval Academy – Goa (Through CDSE) |
19-22 yrs |
B.Sc. (Physics and Math.) or BE |
The formula is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
NCC Special Entry Naval Academy, Goa |
19-22 yrs |
B.Sc. (Physics and Math.) or BE and Naval Wing, Senior Division, NCC ‘C’ Certificate |
Director General NCC, West Block IV, K Puram, New Delhi-66 |
Permanent |
Direct Entry |
At present, only for Naval Armament Inspection Cadet (NAIC) |
19 1/2 – 25 yrs |
Degree in Electronics / Electrical Mechanical Engineering or Post-Graduate Degree in Electronics or Physics |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
Engineering |
Cadet Entry (NDA) |
16 1/2 – 19 yrs |
10+2 equivalent |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
10+2 (Technical) Cadet Entry Scheme (Engineering) |
16 1/2 – 19 yrs |
10+2 or Equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Math. (70% or more marks in Aggregate) |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
Direct Entry Scheme |
19 1/2 – 25 yrs |
Degree in Marine/ Mechanical/Aeronautical/ Civil/ Metallurgical production or equivalent qualification in Mechanical Engineering recognized by the Institution of Engineers (India) as exempting from sections ward ‘B’ of their Associate Membership Examination |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent / Short Service |
University Entry Scheme |
18 1/2 – 23 1/2yrs |
Final/ Pre-final year student in the above Degree Courses |
Training and Placement officers of the colleges or Directorate of manpower and recruitment Naval Head Quarters, New Delhi – 1 |
Permanent Short Service |
Engineering (Naval Architects) |
10+2 (Technical) Cadet Entry Scheme (Engineering) |
16 -19 yrs |
10+2 or Equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Math. (70% or more marks in Aggregate) |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers |
Permanent |
Naval Sponsored Scheme |
17 -20 yrs |
First/ year/Second-year student of selected Engineering colleges studying Naval Architecture (NA) Engineering |
Training and Vocational officer of the College of Directorate of Manpower and Recruitment, Naval Headquarters, New Delhi |
Permanent |
University Entry Scheme |
18 1/2- 23 1/2yrs (Pre-final) 19 – 24 yrs (Final) |
Pre-final years student of naval Architecture |
Training and Vocational officer of the College of Directorate of Manpower and Recruitment, Naval Headquarters, New Delhi |
Permanent |
Direct Entry Scheme |
21-25 yrs |
A good First Class Degree (Minimum 60%) in Naval Architecture Civil/ Mechanical Engineering |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers |
Permanent |
Electrical |
Cadet Entry (NDA) |
16 1/2 – 19 yrs |
10+2 or equivalent |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
10+2 (Technical) Cadet Entry Scheme (Electrical) |
16 -19yrs |
10+2 or Equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Math. (70% or more marks in Aggregate) |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent |
Direct Entry Scheme) |
19 1/2 – 25 yrs |
Degree in Electrical/ Electronics/Telecommunication Engineering or any other qualification in the above Subject recognized by the Institution of Engineers (India) or Institution of Telecommunication Engineers (India) as equivalent to a Degree Course |
The format is given in Employment News and Regional Newspapers advertising the entry |
Permanent/ Short Service |
University Entry Scheme |
18 1/2 – 23 1/2yrs (Pre-final) 19 – 24 yrs (Final) |
Final/ Pre-final years student in the above Degree Course |
Training and Placement Officers of the College of Directorate of Manpower and Recruitment, Naval Headquarters, New Delhi |
Permanent/ Short Service |
Education |
Direct Entry Scheme |
21 -25yrs |
2nd Class Master’s Degree in Physics, Math. in B.Sc. or Math., Physics in B.Sc. or Degree in Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering |
Training and Placement Officers of the College of Directorate of Manpower and Recruitment, Naval Headquarters, New Delhi |
Permanent |
- Candidates applying under University Entry/ Direct Entry Scheme for Engineering and Electrical Branches may opt for seven years Short Service Commission or Permanent commission.
- Candidates applying under University Entry/ Direct Entry Scheme are given a stipend of Rs.2,300/1,150 p.m. for Permanent / Short Service Commission respectively during their final year at college.
- Candidates applying under Naval Sponsored Scheme are paid a stipend of Rs.400/- p.m. plus tuition fees during the first three years of Engineering Degree course and thee after they are granted the rank of Acting Sub-Lieutenant and paid Rs.7,500 only per month.
- Short Service Commission is a scheme for those who wish to retain the option of leaving the service after a stint in it. The duration of the Short Service Commission is seven years. After 2 to 3 years, Officers are given the option to accept the permanent commission.
Indian Air Force as an Officer
Type of Entry years |
Age in |
Educational Qualification |
Mode/ Period |
Training |
Remarks |
Flying Branch (Pilot) |
16 1/2 -19 yrs |
Higher Secondary or equivalent |
3 years plus 54 weeks |
Twice in a year, usually in May & December |
For NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders |
19 -22 yrs |
B.A./ B.Sc. |
Air Force Selections Board |
27 weeks Pre-flying 54 weeks Flying |
Apply within 12 months of leaving NCC |
Ground Duties (Tech) |
Aeronautical |
20-27 yrs |
Degree in Electronics / Telecommunication Engineers |
Air Force Selections Board |
52 Weeks |
A. E. (Mechanical) |
20-27 yrs |
Degree in Aeronautical/ Mechanical Engineering or Degree in Science |
Air Force Selections Board |
52 Weeks |
Ground Duties (Non-Tech) |
Administrative |
20-23 yrs |
Graduate with Honours |
Air Force Selections Board |
52 Weeks |
Logistics |
20-25 yrs |
M.A. or M.Sc. |
Air Force Selections Board |
52 Weeks |
Education |
20-25 yrs |
Degree with Hons. or Degree and Diploma in Teaching |
Air Force Selections Board |
52 Weeks |
Age for Education and Meteorological |
Accounts |
20-25 yrs |
B. Com / Chartered Accountancy |
Air Force Selections Board |
52 Weeks |
Entries relaxable up to 28 years |
Meteorologica |
20-25 yrs |
M.Sc. |
Air Force Selections Board |
52 Weeks |
Entries relaxable up to 28 years |
1. For Details and up to date information, contact Directorate of Personnel (Air Force), Vayu Bhavan, New Delhi
2. The details given above are subject to change and should be treated as a guide only and not authority.