How To Manage The Time In Lockdown Effectively | Lockdown Education

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There is a big fight going around globally, and this is against a pandemic we are all aware of. Offices, businesses, schools & colleges are all shifted to a virtual world. With the line between academic, professional and personal spaces blurring, many are finding it difficult to juggle deadlines, home-schooling, online lectures, household chores, and attending to family.

Seeing the absence of physical classroom space to go to, no face-to-face lecture meetings, no lively discussions about a class project with course-mates, the typical day looks rather bleak, and for many students, productivity might drop to an all-time low. This is not good when they are looking to get through KAHE, the Best college for chemistry in Coimbatore. However, there are steps you can take to take care of yourself and use your time productively.

Let’s talk about how we can manage the time in lockdown effectively:

1. Workaround a schedule:

The first thing you should go with is to maintain some followable structure from the pre-quarantine days. Wake up and go to bed around the same time, eat meals, shower, adapt your exercise regimen, and get out of your PJ’s as you normally do before the lockdown. Have a calendar to keep track of your daily activities and studies while you are preparing for KAHE, Top IT college in Coimbatore.

2. Avoid multitasking and micro-tasking

As much as possible, avoid engaging in more than one task or activity at a time.Many people think they can do multiple things at once, but there are downsides to it. When you multitask or micro-task, assignments take longer to get done because each time you come back to an assignment, you have to get familiar with it, find your spot and remember what you were going to do next.

3 Use strategies to build strategies.

You can adapt ways to build new strategies and habits so that new ones can make things easier for you. For instance, if you usually study in the library, ask yourself what kind of environment helps you study. See if you can recreate that at home. Maybe it’s studying in a chair, rather than on your bed or couch, or moving to a new spot when you change tasks. If you feel you need background noise, consider a white noise app while you are doing the preparations for KAHE, the Best arts and science college in Tamil Nadu.

The lockdown wasn’t easy for anyone as it led to cancelled travel plans, indefinite isolation, panic over scarce resources and information and this overload results in unchecked anxiety and feelings of isolation. Please remember, this will pass. In your best interest, avoid obsessing over endless coronavirus coverage. Choose only certain credible websites or news articles for a limited amount of time each day.

The lockdown has led to lots of free time for many. Are you one of them? With this newfound time, why not do something special? For example, you can start a daily journal to jot down thoughts and feelings to reflect on later, or take a walk every day at 4 pm, or simply step up your preparation for the dream college and get into KAHE, Best CA College. Having something special during this time will help you look forward to each new day. You can also invest your free time in improving your skills or learning new ones. Online course platforms like Coursera, edX, Udacity, Udemy, etc. offer a variety of courses that you can choose from. Some of these courses are affiliated with universities.

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