Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Factors of Pleurotus Tuber Regium:

Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Factors of Pleurotus Tuber Regium

The Pleurotus Tuber Regium is an edible mushroom found in tropical regions of the world. The mushrooms which is a fungi used for edible purposes is belong to the class basidiomycetes. It had been found to provide a rich addition to the diet in the form of protein, carbohydrates, minerals vitamins, and enzymes.

The consumption of mushrooms is common in some countries like Nigeria and other several countries. The basidiomycetes are consumed by many people for their unique flavour and not really for their nutritional composition.

These mushrooms are harvested from wild forests long ago but now the awareness about cultivation had made people cultivate for industrial production.

What is Pleurotus Tuber Regium?

Pleurotus Tuber Regium occurs in both tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is the shape of spherical to ovoid and measures up to 30 cm in diameter It is separated into a cap, stalk, and tuber. The macronutrient profile showed crude protein ranging from 4.1 to 13.8 With the highest concentration in the cap than any after other parts and total carbohydrates 34.0 to 56.2.

Nutritional and Anti-Nutritional Factors:
  1. While the crude fat and ash contents were generally low. In this potassium was found to be the highest concentration in the stock and copper is found in trace amounts in all the parts. High contents of carbohydrates and protein suggest gross energy and the ability to avert malnutrition resulting from insufficient proteins in the diets of humans.
  2. And the presence of crude fiber and ash is significant in aiding bowel movement and the minerals in the body due to high moisture the product can prone to spoilage by microorganisms like molds.
  3. The presence of phytochemicals such as oxalates, alkaloids, and phytic acids could be responsible for antimicrobial activities.
  4. The samples contain amino acids and minerals which include zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium. The synthesis of amino acids helps to maintain the electrolytic balance of neurotransmission and the development of strong bones and teeth, so it is encouraged and recommended due to its nutrients and also phytochemical properties, good manufacturing practices, and safe storage conditions should be enforced to reduce the risk associated with mycotoxin produced by molds.
  5. These molds look like dusty little spot and which is found in bread, cheese, books, and other products which is in our home and office. These molds are responsible for the loss of millions of dollars to our economy every year.

What are Molds?

They are microscopic, plant-like organisms composed of filaments named hyphae. These mold hyphae grow over the surface of the Pleurotus tuber Regium. This affects the production and also cultivation of Pleurotus tuber Regium.

Did you notice moisture content in mushrooms?

Fresh edible mushrooms like Termitomyces, sp russula, and Pleurotus tuber Regium were collected From local Markets in Umuguma over Owerri in Eastern Nigeria. The Identification of the mushrooms was done and established by the department of crop science federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo state Nigeria.

The moisture content present in the mushroom samples was 87% 90.3% and 60.7% percentage respectively for Termitomyces sp, Russula sp, and Pleurotus Tuber Regium.

It is so important in the process of identification of the nutrient density of the samples as well as their shelf life.

This Pleurotus Tuber Regium had the least moisture content 60.7 % and they are easily dried in sunlight, smoked, and easy to store after harvest. However, the other variants are known for their high perishability for the high moisture content. As a result, the moisture content absorbed in these variants for 3 days shows that Pleurotus Tuber Regium has 50.1 % moisture content at the end of the 3rd day and also it contains 15.4% of crude protein, 3.6% of ash content,13.5% of crude fiber, 55% carbohydrates.


Hope you get to know the detailed concept of Pleurotus Tuber Regium with the nutritional guidance. We are happy to share this concept and the opportunity to learn more by pursuing in Top Food Technology Colleges in Coimbatore.

Blog by,
Thirumurugan R,
Department of Food Technology

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