The expansion of the majors and subfields in education paves the way for various career-focused programmes. An engineering or art student has to acknowledge the trends and things that employers or job interviews anticipate in this current technological business world. It is where the best 
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Natural language processing speeds up other activities involving language and enables computers to converse with people in their own language. The process of conducting a sentiment analysis involves confirming whether the speaker or author has positive, neutral, or negative feelings regarding a given topic. For 
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In order to encourage competitive excellence in higher education institutions, the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was introduced in 2016 and uses objective criteria for assessing higher education institutions across the nation. Students who choose to pursue in the top arts colleges in India or 
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For professionals who look to advance their careers or start their careers, earning an MBA degree is a logical step. However, most students and graduates still think that pursuing MBA is worth it, even though it consumes huge savings. If you choose to work in 
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In recent years, a growing number of people have chosen to work in cybersecurity, which has made it one of the most important areas of job growth. However, there are still a number of individuals who are unsure whether or not they should enter the 
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One of the most crucial components of any course, and a key component of teaching mathematics, is inspiring students to be eagerly attentive. Successful teachers give equal attention to motivated and unmotivated students. Here are a few methods for college students pursuing the best arts 
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Humans have made numerous scientific and technological advancements thanks to their inherent curiosity and inventiveness. Humans have continued to innovate ever since our earliest ancestors created the first sharp-edged tool by smashing a rock to the ground. Several of these significant advancements stand out as 
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Food technology and food science are often combined, but this is not the case. To develop the appropriate set of tools for the presentation, distribution, and packaging of food, food technologists make use of the data or research provided by food scientists. Cans, frozen foods, 
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11th Convocation will be held virtually on 12th February 2021 at 10.00 am For registration link:
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The difference between pursuing an Engineering course and an Arts and Science course exists naturally and it depends upon the interest and passion of the students to choose their favorite course. The choice of course also depends highly on the employment opportunity it provides. The 
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