A significant threat to public health and food safety is microbial contamination, which is the root of many diseases caused by food around the world. At any point in the food production process, there is a chance of microbial contamination. The necessity to increase food 
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Genome altering (likewise called quality altering) is a gathering of innovations that enable researchers to change an organic entity’s DNA. At specific locations in the genome, these technologies enable the addition, removal, or modification of genetic material. Genome altering is of extraordinary interest in the 
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India offers a wide range of options for foreign students because it is a country with many different cultures and is the birthplace of some of the world’s greatest religions and historical revolutions. The idea of studying in one of the most exciting countries in 
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The Pleurotus Tuber Regium is an edible mushroom found in tropical regions of the world. The mushrooms which is a fungi used for edible purposes is belong to the class basidiomycetes. It had been found to provide a rich addition to the diet in the 
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