Imagine you have to prepare for a test that is scheduled the next day but you plan to study after finishing that one interesting episode from your favorite series. If you have done this, then you can understand what exactly procrastination means. We all have 
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Many people suffer from procrastination in their daily lives. A lack of a clear goal or direction is typically the reason why people tend to procrastinate. Learn how to beat procrastination and create a to-do list to prioritize your work and increase productivity. Tasks can 
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Do you have a habit of mentioning “I will study later”? But the latter never comes. This is one of the common issues that today’s students are facing. Procrastination is the act of postponing actions, which actually comes with the side effects of increased stress, 
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Thousands of articles are written on this subject while a lot of them were results of procrastination itself. Why do we procrastinate? Do we have answers for it? Some say it’s to avoid unpleasant feeling of a certain task; meanwhile certain people present an argument 
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