The impact of Covid-19 pandemic – A sudden changeover to digital education

The impact of Covid-19 pandemic A sudden changeover to digital education

Covid-19 has completely changed our way of living. The pandemic has brought a lot of changes in all of us with regard to safety and security. It has also made sure that life will not be the same anymore and we should be ready to adapt to new technologies for our survival and growth. Education was broadly restricted to classrooms before the pandemic and a lot has changed after the lockdown. Though there are two different opinions about it, providing education through digital platforms has helped the students to stay in touch with their subjects during the pandemic. On the other hand, there were students who couldn’t afford to this change immediately. KAHE, one of the best Engineering colleges in Coimbatore provided excellent online education to the students during the lockdown period.

Learning the school and college subjects through video calls is something new to the students, especially in developing countries like India. Though online education existed even before the pandemic, it has become widespread after that as we didn’t have any other option. Once the lockdown was announced across the country, everything had stopped temporarily. As days passed by, it had been decided to educate the students through digital means. The students were asked to attend their classes through video calls with various applications. KAHE, one of the top Engineering colleges in Coimbatore has made every student understand the importance of education in any extraordinary circumstance.

It is definitely a valuable attempt to provide online education because it has helped the students to stay in touch with their academics and be prepared to face the examinations sooner or later. It was with the wonderful co-operation of the teachers and professors that the institutions were able to consistently schedule and execute the online classes. It was difficult in the beginning to make the students understand the new process but eventually it was done with perfection. The students not only listened to their teachers during online classes but also raised their doubts as they do in classrooms. This new normal helped the spread of digital education across the country and since all of us are accustomed to this practice, it can be used during any lockdown or emergency situation in future.

On the other hand, there are certain issues regarding online education that should be rectified. The poor children who come from humble backgrounds couldn’t afford a laptop, tablet or smartphone to attend the online classes. Many volunteers and welfare organisations came forward to buy them smartphones in order to enable them to get online education from their institutions. Though it is difficult for the government to serve the complete needs of every sector, they did their best to ensure that education reaches every nook and corner irrespective of the financial status of the students. An exclusive television channel which was started to empower the government school students is one example of such initiatives.

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, one of the top colleges in Coimbatore is your destination to pursue quality higher education. KAHE is focused towards making education an experience for the students with career oriented training and development of soft skills. KAHE delivers holistic education with well-equipped technical facilities and an atmosphere for peaceful learning.

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