What will college life be like? What to expect and not to expect as a freshman?

Importance of extra curricular activities

College life is something to be cherished for the entire life. After completing the school education, the students undergo every process to select the best course and institution for them. Once they find the right institution, the next step is to get prepared to face the new syllabus and atmosphere in college. It is an unique experience especially when you are a freshman. With hundreds of questions in mind, the students must enter the new college with confidence. KAHE, one of the top Arts and Science colleges in Coimbatore offers top quality atmosphere and education to the students.

Everything will be new when you enter your college. It is not a school-like atmosphere anymore. You are grown up and you will be treated like that. Make sure that you are ready to adapt yourself completely to the new surrounding and ready to mingle with your new friends. If you are a hostel student, you will definitely miss your parents for some time but its all part of life and remember that you are into a bigger mission now. The hostel food might be instantly likeable or otherwise but if it doesn’t affect your health, do not worry about the taste. Most of the institutions provide healthy food to the students.

When it comes to the professors, you must understand that they are the primary resources for you to understand both the institution and your subjects. It is important to be disciplined and to maintain a good relationship with your faculties and staff. When you are a freshman, you will be tested in various ways, academically and personally. Make yourself fit in every aspect and create a good impression right from the word go. Try to get personal advices from the professors as it will be helpful to you in shaping up your academics and career. KAHE, one of the best Engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu provides the students with the best career opportunities.

Get into the habit of proper time management right from your first year in the college. You will be asked to make presentations, take notes and write assignments. You will be expected to complete everything on time. Make yourself an expert in time management. If the professors and the management consider you as a good leader, they will offer you the opportunity to lead various clubs and their activities. Do not hesitate to take up the responsibility as it will help you personally to learn the art of leadership. You will be tempted to throw out all the rules and regulations to just enjoy college life. Do not fall prey to such thoughts. Be a perfect student and climb up the career ladder quickly.

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, one of the top colleges in Coimbatore is your destination to pursue quality higher education. KAHE is focused towards making education an experience for the students with career oriented training and development of soft skills. KAHE delivers holistic education with well-equipped technical facilities and an atmosphere for peaceful learning.

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