Top 10 Student Bloggers | How to start blogging during college life

How to start blogging during college life

1. EdTechReview

This is a community for students and teachers to get updated information about the latest trends in teaching and education technology.

2. The Better India

The blog provides exclusive news on education and the society.

3. Eckovation

It is a destination for social learning with quality educators and learning groups.

4. India Didactics Association

The blog offers membership association, exclusively to improve teaching and learning.

5. ReachIvy Blog

The blog provides guidance from experts with regard to studying abroad and for selecting the career.

6. MBA Crystal Ball Blog

This helps to get the best consultation for the students to choose international MBA programs. It also provides the required resources to fulfill their dreams.

7. Great Learning

The working professionals can get high quality learning programs from this blog. This helps them to have better career growth.

8. Career India

The blog provides information about educational news, latest announcements on exams and admissions, learning programs etc.

9. Edwise International Blog

All the information about global education can be obtained through this blog by the students.

10. Campushunt

It helps the students to plan better for their higher education by identifying their strengths through various trainings.

How to start blogging during college life?

Blogging is a passion for many students. People, who are interested in writing, start their own blogs to express themselves to the world. This is a great habit though it may look slightly difficult for the beginners. KAHE, one of the best Engineering colleges in Coimbatore provides the necessary skills for the students to become better writers.

The first thing to do is to start writing. No matter what the content is, what the language is, it is good to just write something every day so that it becomes a habit and it will help to rectify mistakes and become a good writer.

Start writing blogs based on your personal experiences. This will have more impact especially during college life. The students from other colleges may find your blog useful for them and their studies. KAHE, one of the best Arts and Science colleges in Coimbatore, insists the students on the importance of networking.

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