Top 10 Biomedical Engineering Innovations In the Last Decade

Top 10 Biomedical Engineering Innovations In the Last Decade

Biomedical engineering gives successful opportunities to all over the world. Biomedical engineering becomes the fastest-growing engineering discipline in many countries. Many innovative technologies, projects, developments, and medical advancements are improved in this field. Over the last 10 years, more innovations are initiated and developed. Some of the 10 top-most innovations are listed below and the shared information will definitely bring the knowledge to know more about biomedical innovations.


Organ-on-chips (OCC) is a type of artificial organ that stimulates the mechanisms, physiological system responses, and activities of the organ or an organ system. In the 1990s, Michael Schuler, a professor at Cornell University in the United States, Department of Biomedical Engineering stated the term “Animal-on-a-chip”. Later Donald Ingber and Kelvin Kit Parker from Harvard’s University at Cambridge, United States developed and renamed “Organ-on-chips”. This kind of chip is very helpful to recreate the natural physiology and mechanical system of the human body.

Transdermal Patches

Transdermal patches are now widely used as cosmetic, topical, and transdermal delivery systems. These patches help to bring out the re-growth of skin and give complete tissue re-epithelization. Many science trial and error and clinical observations are evidence-based studies for first existing human records.

Bionic Exoskeleton

It is a wearable, bionic suit that enables individuals with lower extremity paralysis. It causes weakness and unable to stand and walk. It became a recent trend to help out many people to overcome this type of paralysis or weakness, especially aged people.

Genome Editing

Genome editing is a group of technologies that initiates scientists to make modulate DNA. They can easily change the DNA samples of any organism. Even human DNA can be edited using this technology.

Surgical Robotics

Nowadays, surgery robot assistants are used. The surgeon controls the surgical instruments with great effort while performing the procedure. Robots cannot perform the surgery. It just helps the surgeon with the surgical process in operation theatres.

Bionic Contact Lens

Bionic contact lens helps the project texts or some visions rather it cannot be used as a permanent lens. It is a difficult technology sometimes it causes some effects due to its LED source.

I Limb Bionic Hand

This is a bionic prosthetic device for the hand. A sensor is placed against the human skin that helps the user to control the robotic activity of the hand naturally. This process is done by the signals generated by muscle activities.

Camera Pill

Camera pill or capsule endoscopy is taken in tablet mode. When the patient intaken the pill it causes changes inside the body. This pill does not have any side effects. It is implanted in a small camera. After taking the pill it gets dissolved automatically. The camera monitors the complete information that helps the doctors or the surgeon to make a clear view of the place where it is affected in the patient’s body.

Bio Artificial Liver

It is an extracorporeal device in which the plasma gets circulated over the functional activity of the hepatocytes. It serves as a bridge for liver transplantation.

Artificial Heart

Artificial heart replacement is a very good technology that helps many people to survive their lives. This device is placed in the human body. This artificial heart is placed in the chest region to replace damaged blood vessels.

Here are the top 10 biomedical engineering innovations that impact the next generations to create innovative concepts that are suitable for the system and today’s world. These kinds of tools and technology can be created through innovation in research, initiatives, startups, etc.

I am proud to be a biomedical engineer to get professionally skilled at Karpagam Academy of Higher Education (KAHE), located in Coimbatore, which is one of the Best Biomedical Engineering Colleges in Coimbatore.

Blog by,
Samyuktha R (20BEBME035)
Department of Biomedical Engineering

Top 10 Biomedical Engineering Innovations In the Last Decade

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