It is important to think beyond just grades when you’re looking to enjoy more opportunities after schooling. You can participate in extracurricular activities like clubs, sports or a job which enhance new interests and allow you to discover yourself. The top 10 arts college in 
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Graduates need to consider internship programs that provide hands-on learning and can help them gain a professional network that drives potential career interests. This provides the opportunity for skill development and flexibility in understanding the workspace culture. Even the Top BCom professional accounting colleges in 
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The pharmacy profession in India has a history which actually made a huge impact and significant growth. At first, pharmacists were involved in creating and delivering drugs, however, with medicine and technology advancements, the role expanded to include drug therapy management, patient counselling and disease 
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There are various factors and reasons behind the issue of student suicide in Indian colleges. It shows the complete lack of understanding and preventive measures in addressing mental health issues. However, this diverse society has a social context in prejudging, treating unequal and hierarchical based 
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When it comes to choosing a major in your field of interest, there are lots of key components to consider. And the first is colleges, which provide their students with better career opportunities and expected growth in terms of professional and personal. However, the second 
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Are you a freshman in college? It is quite hard to adapt to reality, and it takes time during the transition period from high school to college. Since everyone has a unique history, story, and place, it is obvious to find a way to adapt 
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Students who choose the arts are taught how to think critically. The fact that students do not have to choose arts in 12th grade is the primary benefit of pursuing the best arts and science colleges in Coimbatore. Even bank (PO) and chartered accountant exams 
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In order to encourage competitive excellence in higher education institutions, the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was introduced in 2016 and uses objective criteria for assessing higher education institutions across the nation. Students who choose to pursue in the top arts colleges in India or 
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Waste is a by-product of humans’ everyday lives. Did you ever think about the implications of throwing away something that is recyclable or compostable on campus? It’s a fact that students have busy, multi-tasking filled lives, and most of them never thought of a zero-waste 
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College isn’t dreamy dude. Bollywood movies would have shown you a lot of stuff but it isn’t exactly what’s happening on the ground. You will be doing a dozen of things that you wouldn’t have imagined you would be doing. College is a very bustling 
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