It’s an amalgamation of technologies which are used to control and automate digital processes. IPA should expand operational efficiency, worker performance and respond efficiency to customers. They should also bring down the operational risk, and have the goal of creating an effective operations environment. Intelligent 
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If your child has just passed class 12th and is now looking to pick the right college amidst the pandemic then it is not an easy task to find the best choice such as, Top Engineering College in Coimbatore. Pandemic made students ask whether they 
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Technical interviews can be a puzzle for most. From writing a binary tree out on a whiteboard or giving explanations for sorting algorithms, you have to be prepared for all the technical programming questions for such interviews. But there is more than that because, in 
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The second wave of the coronavirus pandemic is here. Now, if you are thinking, what is a second wave? You can think of it just like sea waves. The number of Covid- 19 infections go up and then come back down again – each cycle 
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For college jobs, it’s required to be present at the work location. There are some lists of online jobs for students where they can work from home during the lockdown period and enjoy benefits like other employees. 1. Online Tutor This is the perfect job 
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It takes more than your natural talent to excel in being a great public speaker! Although the art of public speaking comes naturally one can learn the same. A great public speaker carries the aura of true inspiration and the power of uplifting the crowd 
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The unexpected global crisis, Covid-19 has changed our lives upside down in the past one year. This pandemic has truly taught us the importance of our loved ones and the privilege of breathing without masks. The world seems to be stilled with the pandemic and 
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Technology is evolving rapidly with advanced innovations and up-gradation in software applications. This fast-paced evolution is bringing in a lot of career opportunities to individuals with exceptional technical and analytical skills. Here are  5 jobs that are expected to create a revolution in the ever-growing 
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COVID-19 is a pandemic that has hit the entire world when no one anticipated it. When the disease was first identified in late 2019, it was considered to be existent in only one country. Soon after, the disease was all around the world and the 
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In this busy life where we are more attached towards various devices that helps us technically for our professional and personal life, it is also important to maintain the habit of reading books. The habit of reading has gradually declined over the years because of 
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