Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science , established with B.Sc. Computer Science in 1995 and now it is offering a Postgraduate programme and Research Programme. The UG degree in Information Technology introduced in 2007, Computer Technology in 2014, Cognitive Systems in 2019, and Data Analytics in 2020. B.Sc. CS (Cognitive Systems) program is Industry Integrated Programme designed in collaboration with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) it facilitates students to pursue their careers in the IT industry.

The department provides a current and comprehensive learning environment for the students. The department fosters personal and professional growth for both students and faculty and is committed to impart quality education by providing strong fundamental knowledge complemented by extensive practical training. With academic autonomy, the department regularly updates its curriculum and syllabi enabling the students to apply the latest techniques, methods, and tools to solve problems in all domains.


The Computer Science Department is formed to provide the best leading programs in the computer-oriented programme which are recognized across the world. The faculty and students dedicate themselves to take the maximal advantage of modern Computer Science to solve a wide range of complex scientific, technological and social problems. The department continues to promote innovative research in the core Computer Science as well as multidisciplinary application areas.


  • To provide students and faculty with an environment that promotes personal growth and helps them grow professionally.
  • The department strives for excellence in research and teaching.
  • Curriculum is designed to suit the needs of the industry and research.
  • To help students take placement in premier Indian IT companies.
  1. Under Graduate Programmes
    • B.Sc. Computer Science (Strength: 240)
    • B.Sc. Information Technology (Strength: 300)
    • B.Sc. Computer Technology (Strength: 60)
    • B.Sc. Computer Science (Cognitive Systems)* (Strength: 60)
    • B.Sc. Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Data Science) (Strength: 150)
  2. Post Graduate Programme
    • M.Sc. Computer Science (Strength: 60)
  3. Research Programmes
    • Ph.D. Computer Science

*Industry Specific Curriculum in association with TATA Consultancy Services

  • B.Sc. Computer Science (Cyber Security)
    1. 2024-2025

Name Qualification Designation Email ID Profile
Dr.S.Mythili MCA, M.Phil, Ph.D, SET, NET Professor Click Here
Dr.S.Veni M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET Professor Click Here
Dr.S.Hemalatha MCA., Ph.D. Associate Professor Click Here
Mr.K.Yuvaraj MCA., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.K.Kathirvel M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.S.Vasanthakumar MCA., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.C.Sasthikumar MCA., Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.R.Subha M.Sc., M.phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.Vinitha A MCA., MBA Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.P.Pavithra M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.N.Arunkumar M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.K.Prabhu M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.S.Gayatri M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.R.Priyadharshini MCA., Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.R.Nandhini MCA., Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.T.Prabavathi M.Sc., M.Phil. Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.P.Archana M.Sc., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mr.B.Shyam Praveen MCA., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mrs.P.Ranjani MCA., Assistant Professor Click Here
Mrs.H.Gunavathy M.Sc., M.Phil. Assistant Professor Click Here
Ms.R.Siva Ranjini BCA., MCA Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.A.Krishnaveni M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Mrs.K.Renuga MCA, M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here
Dr.M.M.Karthikeyan M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Click Here
Mrs.S.Sowndarya MCA., M.Phil., Assistant Professor Click Here

Library – Dept. Library and General library

In Department Library 321 reference books are available for faculty and student reference.

Internet facilities for staff and students

All the members are provided net access in department and computer lab and internet facility with 1GBPS NKN Connectivity in BSNL and 45 Mbps in Airtel. WiFi Connectivity provided for faculty and students.

Total number of class rooms : 20
Students’ laboratories

  • 2003 Server: IBM X 3400 Server 7975i1S – 1
  • Computer’s : 376
  • Printer: 6
  • LCD Projector : 6


  1. Reseena Mol N. A, S. Veni. 2024. Detecting Depressive Tweets by Weighted Voting Ensemble Model of Attention Based Bi LSTM and BERT with Transfer Learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering.12(14s), 623–631.
  2. Prajesha T. M, S. Veni. 2023. Hybrid Feature Selection Model Based on RFE and MRMR on Anxiety Disorder Dataset. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 101(10): 4023-4032.
  3. Joyce, S. Veni. 2023. Iris Biometric Watermarking for Authentication Using Multiband Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular-Value Decomposition. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems. 14(3): 259-266.
  4. Balaji,S.Veni. 2023. International Journal of Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering. Automatic Skull Stripping from MRI of Human Brain using Deep Learning Framework for the Diagnosis of Brain Related Diseases. 11(4), 439–445.
  5. Indurani Palanichamy, Veni S. 2023. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. Improving Deep Learning for Seizure Detection using GAN with Cramer Distance and a TemporalSpatial-Frequency Loss Function. 11(6s): 424-432.


  1. Dhanya R and Dr.S.Mythili Nov – Dec  2023,  “Artificial Intelligence in Cloud Data Integrity Assurance”, Karpagam JCS Vol 18, 265 – 268.
  2. Narmatha, Dr.S.Mythili, Sep-Oct 2023, “Deep Learning Technique for Recognition of Deep Fake Videos”, Karpagam JCS, Vol 18, 237-242.
  3. Sowmya P.S, Dr.S.Mythili, Jan 2024, “The Impact of ChatGPT on the Revolution of Educational Applications”, Challenges and the Future of ChatGPT, IGI Global, Pg.No143-155.
  4. Narmatha, Dr.S.Mythili, , “Deep Fake Detection In Media Files Using Deep Learning Techniques – A Systematic Review”, Multidisciplinary Education : The Future, 1st Edition, ISBN : 978-93-92032-94-3, Laser Park Publishing House ,Pg No 6-27.


  1. An Evaluation Of K-Means Based Ann Using Forest Fire Data In Spatial Data Mining, NAGA SARANYA, G.PADMAPRIYA, S.HEMALATHA , M.HEMALTHA, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(JATIT) 2011,  Vol. 34.No.1 Page.No.029 -033 Scopus IF:1.71/ Published
  2. Certain Investigation on Missing Value Imputation Techiques, Hemalatha and M.Hemalatha, International Journal of Computer Technology andApplications(IJCTA) 2014 Volume 5(1):323-329 (IF:2.015/ Published)
  3. Prediction of Missing Values in Datasets using Association Rule Mining, Hemalatha and M.Hemalatha International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, (IJAER) 2014, Volume 9( 23) : 19789-19800 (Scopus Indexed / Published)
  4. An Approach towards Missing Values Using Kernel Technique in Heterogeneous Dataset, Hemalatha and S.Punitha, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER) 2016, Volume 5-Issue 4(5) :152 – 170 (IF:3.318/Published)
  5. Optimum Controlling of the SAUVE-QUI-PUET Energy using the CAFA Technique, S. Hemalatha and S. Rajeshwari , Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology 2016, Volume 7-Issue 9 683- 688 (Scopus)


  1. V Kiruthiga; Sunanda Kondapalli; VarunGupta; Aarthy;J. Sasidevi;C Sasthi Kumar“Modelling of an Intelligent Voice System using MI Algorithm for E-Business”,2022 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I),DOI: 10.1109/IC3I56241.2022.10073241
  2. Ritesh Kumar Kushwaha;ParimiLvd Ravikumar;Muzammil H Mohammed;C Sasthi Kumar“Integrity of Code and IoT Validation of Resource Utilization in Micro Control Unit”,2023 International Conference on New Frontiers in Communication, Automation, Management and Security (ICCAMS),DOI: 1109/ICCAMS60113.2023.10526111
  3. Arangarajan M;Amar Pal Yadav;ChVeena;Sasthi Kumar C;Gaurang A. Patel;Dillip Narayan Sahu ,”AI-Based Bolt Loosening Diagnosis with Deep Learning from Laser Ultrasonic Wave Data”,2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data & Machine Learning (ICBDML),DOI: 1109/ICBDML60909.2024.10577423


  1. K Maithili, T Sathish Kumar, R Subha, PL Srinivasa Murthy, MN Sharath, Koppuravuri Gurnadha Gupta, Praseeda Ravuri, TNP Madhuri, Vikas Verma”Development of an efficient machine learning algorithm for reliable credit card fraud identification and protection systems”, MATEC Web of Conferences,2024.
  2. Maithili Kamalakannan1*, Subha Rajaseker2, Siva Shankar3,  Bharathi4and Vishal Sharma5”Comparison study of clinic radiological profile of primary lung cancer using EDAS method”,International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Sustainable Development (ICMED 2024), MATEC Web Conf. Volume 392, 2024
  3. Bande Ganesh, A. Rengarajan, R. Subha, Devika SV, Ajmeera Kiran,”Investigation of Secure Health Monitoring System Using IOT”,  Investigation of Secure Health Monitoring System Using IOT. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(10), 1779–1787.

Mr.Shyam Praveen B

  1. B. Shyam Praveen “Enhancing Cybersecurity Through Machine Learning -Based Intrusion Detection Systems,” Tuijin Jishu/ Journal of Propulsion Technology, vol. 44, no.6(2023), 1001-4055.
  2. Dr. Kiran Mayee Adavala, Dr. SangeetaVhatkar, Taranpreet Singh Ruprah, Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur Bhatia, Dr. VipinKumar, Dr. Dharmendra Sharma, Mr. B. Shyam Praveen“Deep Generative Models for Data Synthesis and Augmentation in Machine Learning”, Journal of Electrical Systems, Vol.20 No.3s (2024):1242-1249

National / International Conference

  1. National conference on “Emerging  Technologies: Robotics and IOT” (NCET ‘2020) conducted on February 28, 2020 by Mr.Sarathkumar Karunakaran, Software Developer, cognivgmbh, Bonn, Germany, has acted as the Chief guest of the inaugural function.
  2. National conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in the Field of Information Technology” conducted on September 27, 2019 by Dr.M.Sundaresan, Professor, Department of  IT, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore.
  3. National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Computing and Communication” (NCCC’17)  was conducted on February 17, 2017. Dr.M.Hanumanthappa Professor & Chairman, Department of Computer Science & Applications, Bangalore University, Bangalore, has acted as the Chief guest of the inaugural function.
  4. A Karpagam Academy of Higher Education sponsored 4th National Conference on “Recent trends and Advances in Information Technology” on September 23, 2016 with Dr. Devi, Bharathiar University Coimbatore as a resource person which had 250 Participants.
  5. A Karpagam Academy of Higher Education sponsored 3rd National Conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in Information Technology”, conducted on March 11, 2014 with  Dr. Devi, Bharathiar University Coimbatore as a resource person which had 185 Participants.
  6. A Karpagam Academy of Higher Education sponsored 2nd National Conference on “Recent Trends and Advances in Information Technology” was conducted on October 20, 2012 with Dr. R. Rajesh Bharathiar University, Coimbatore as resource person which had 105 Participants.

National Seminar

  1. National Webinar on “Big Data Analytics” on November 10, 2020 by Dr.Gakwaya N Joel, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Lowry Memorial College, Bangalore.
  2. National Webinar on “Cascade Style Sheets” on November 16, 2020 by S.Karthik, Developer TCS, Chennai.
  3.  National Webinar on “Hadoop Framework” on November 20, 2020 by Dr.B.M.Bandgar,Associate Professor, JSPM’s Rajashi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune.
  4. Power Seminar on “Career Opportunities for IT & ITES Sector” in association with ICT Academy on 25.01.2020. Resource persons were   Ms. Vaishnavee Balaji, Founder, Food Bank, Coimbatore & Youth India, Mr.Manoj Chenthamarakshan , Positive store – e commerce Business, Mr.Prashanth Ganesh, Devops Team Ltd, RFPio Inc , Coimbatore, Mr. Ajay Balaji, Partner Advisor, RFPio Ic, Coimbatore
  5. National Seminar on “Open-Source Software Computing Tools for Researchers” on January 27, 2017 by Dr. D. H. Manjaiah, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Mangalore University Mangalagangotri, Mangalore- 574 199 Karnataka.
  6. National Seminar on “Tools And Techniques To Do A Research & To Improve Scholarly Writing Skills” was conducted on July 30, 2016. Dr.B.Ramdoss, Former Head & Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli has acted as the Resource Person.

National & State Level Workshop

  1. One day National Workshop on “cloud literacy Day” For students on  October 16, 2019.
  2. Two day state level workshop on “Computer Training for Mobile Applications and Tools” for School Headmasters and Teachers from May 29, 2017 to May 30, 2017.
  3. State level workshop on “Internet of Things (IoT)” Programme for School Headmasters and Teachers on April 15, 2017.
  4. National Workshop on “Cyber Security” was conducted on March 03, 2017. Mr. C. Balan, Joint director, CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram, has acted as the Resource Person.
  5. T.Senthil Kumar Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amirta School of Engineering, conducted a workshop on September 02, 2016, Mobile Application Development using Android.
  6. Mr.M.Easwaran, Software Engineer, Poras Technologies India Pvt ltd, Coimbatore, conducted a Workshop on “Android in Mobile Application” on February 21, 2015 for 150 students of Department of Computer Science.
  7. Dr.B.RajaThilagam, Professor, Department of CSE, Amrita University conducted a Workshop on “Android in Mobile Application” on March 01, 2014 for 56 students of Department of Computer Science.
  8. Mr.G.Ramesh from Image Creative Education, Coimbatore, conducted a Workshop on “Multimedia Technology” from September 21, 2013 to September 22, 2013 for 100 students of Department of Computer Science.

Technical Symposium

  1. State Level Technical Symposium “Infosium 2020” conducted on February 12, 2020.
  2. National Level Technical Symposium “Infosium 2K18” on February 09, 2018.
  3. State Level Technical Symposium “Infosium 2017” conducted on February 28, 2017.
  4. Conducted state level technical Symposium “Infosium 2K16” on March 02, 2016, Jointly organized by Department of Computer Science, Computer Applications, Information Technology .

Guest Lecture

  1. Webinar on Software Testing with Selenium Tool on 23rd June, 2020 with Mrs.S.Ponmalar, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer science, PSGR Krishnammal college for women, Coimbatore has acted as the Resource Person.
  2. Webinar on The Future of Future on 16th June, 2020 with Dr. A.Muruganatham, Associate Professor, Department of MCA, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru  has acted as the Resource Person.
  3. Webinar on Interview Skills on 12th June, 2020 with Mr. K. Manikandan, Head, Training & Placement, New Prince Group of Institutions, Chennai has acted as the Resource Person.
  4. Webinar on “Advanced Excel” on 10th  June, 2020 with Mr.J.Manoprince, Senior Associate, Amazon, Bangalore has acted as the Resource Person.
  5. Webinar on “Emerging Technologies 2020” on  10th June, 2020 with Mr.V.Prasanna Sree Hari, Solution Architect, HP INC, Bangalore, has acted as the Resource Person
  6. Webinar on “Internet of Things” on 1st June, 2020 Dr.T.Amudha, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Bharathiar University has acted as the Resource Person.
  7. Webinar series on “Python Programming and CCNAv3” from 16th to 20th June, 2020 and Mr.Poovaragavan Velumani, Master Trainer, IBM Edunet has acted as the Resource Person.
  8. Webinar on “Introduction to AI and ML” on 28th May, 2020 and Mr. A L Sreedeep, Project Engineer, CDAC, Trivandrum has acted as the Resource Person.
  9. Webinar on “Latest Web Application Development Trends” on 8th May, 2020 with Mr.M.Thangaraj, Front end developer in Zinier Technologies has acted as the Resource Person.
  10. Webinar on “Microcontrollers in IOT” on 1st June, 2020 and Ms. Dhanya V S, Principal Engineer, CDAC, Trivandrum has acted as the Resource Person.
  11. Webinar on “OWASP” on 2nd June, 2020 with Mr. Hiran Bose, Scientist E, CDAC, Trivandrum has acted as the Resource Person.
  12. Webinar on “Network traffic and flow analysis” on 29th May, 2020 with Mr. Hiran Bose, Scientist E, CDAC, Trivandrum has acted as the Resource Person.
  13. Webinar on “OSINT for Forensics” on 27th May, 2020 with Mr. Hiran Bose, Scientist E, CDAC, Trivandrum has acted as the Resource Person.
  14. Webinar on “PHP Developer” on 24th May, 2020  with Resource Person R.B. Ganapathy Raman, PHP Developer, UDI global, Chennai
  15. Webinar on “Soft skill Development on 23rd May, 2020 with Resource Person Mr. Yuvanesh, Assistant System engineer, Tata Consultancy Services, Chennai.
  16. Conducted Guest Lecture on January 25, 2020 in “Career Opportunities for IT & ITES Sector” byVaishneevi Balaji Founder ICT Academy.
  17. Conducted Guest Lecture on January 28, 2020 in “block chain Technology” by  Mr.Yokaraj Manaoharan, Group leader operations, Avantor, Rathinam The park, Coimbatore.
  18. Conducted guest Lecture on August 22, 2019 in “Struts Framework” by Mr.Nathan S.M, Technical Director, Accent Techno Soft, Coimbatore.
  19. Conducted Project Training on July 29, 2017 in Citizen Centric Mobile App for   e-Governance service. V.Karthi, Senior Software Developer, NIC, Chennai, acted as Resource person.
  20. Conducted guest Lecture on July 13, 2017 in Advanced Java, Servelts and Java Beans. Mr.Senthil, Senior Trainer, Sri Krishna I-Tech, Coimbatore acted as resource person.
  21. Conducted guest Lecture on June 30, 2017 in Advanced Trends in DOT NET Technologies Mr.K.Jeeva, Senior Software Engineer, ASCENTZ Technologies, Coimbatore acted as resource person.
  22. One day Seminar on “Script Language – JOOMLA” by Mr.Sunil Jose, Director, Amulya Infotech India Pvt.Ltd, Coimbatore on January 27, 2017.
  23. Guest Lecture on  Real Time Applications of Operations Research on January 06, 2017 by Dr.T.Amudha, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
  24. Conducted guest Lecture in “Big Data” on March 10, 2016. Mr.Ravi Venkatraman, Senior Consultant & Head of Deliver Excellence, HP Sofware University, Coimbatore acted as resource person.
  25. Guest Lecture on E- Learning on September 27, 2016 by Mrs. V.Rachel, Assistant Professor,  Department of Computer Science,  Avinashilingam University for Women,  Coimbatore.
  26. Conducted guest Lecture in “Internet of Things” on August 23, 2016. Mr.P.S.Felix, Senior Project Manager of CG-VAK Software & Exports Ltd., Coimbatore acted as resource person.
  27. Conducted guest Lecture in “Big Data on September 23, 2016. Ms.B.Ashwini, Project Leader, Accent TechnoSoft, Coimbatore acted as resource person.
  28. Conducted guest Lecture in Problem solving Techniques for Programming Languages on February 06, 2015. Ms.Shanthini, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore acted as resource person.
  29. Conducted guest Lecture in  Internet of Things on December 15, 2015. Dr. R. Lawrance, Director, Department of MCA, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi  acted as resource person.
  30. A Special Lecture was delivered by Mr.G.Ramesh Image Creative Education Coimbatore on January 03, 2014 on the topic of Guest Lecture on “Multimedia”.
  31. A Special Lecture was delivered by S. Thiyagarajan Operations Head Image – Institute of Multimedia Arts and Graphic Effects, on February 24, 2014 on the topic of “Right Career in Multimedia and its Job Opportunities”.
  32. A Special Lecture was delivered by Dr. L. Arockiam, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science St.Joseph’s College, Trichy on February 24, 2014 on the topic of Guest Lecture on “Big Data”.
  33. A Special Lecture was delivered by Mr.Sathish – Production Incharge Apex Institute of Multimedia, Coimbatore on September 05, 2014 on the topic of “Multimedia”.
  34. A Special Lecture was delivered by Dr.A. Pushparajan, Dean, Dept of Physical Education Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Coimbatore on September 17, 2014 on the topic of Health and Wellness.
  35. A Special Lecture was delivered by Prasanth SriHari on August 27, 2013 on the topic of Ethical Hacking.
  36. A Special Lecture was delivered by The Leadership Team, Save the Globe, Coimbatore on August 27, 2013 on the topic of Leadership Sessions.
  37. A Special Lecture was delivered by Mr. A. Mohammed Khaja, Director, Mokhmo Institute of technology on September 20, 2013 on the topic of Job Assistance – What current Industries are looking for.